
BRETHREN where exactly do you think you are going if you stop breathing right now?

 Assuming after dancing and rejoicing in your new mansion last night, you woke up this morning to rush and catch up with your daily activities as you are doing right now, and you saw your body still lying helplessly on the bed. You were shocked. 

You tried to pick up your iphone 6 to call your Pastor or relatives and you couldn't pick it up. You tried opening your wardrobe to pick some money you hid there and couldn't. You started crying but no one heard you. You try touching the gate to go out, but u just went right through it. You went outside and your house mates were chatting, but you were not recognised. 

After some minutes, you saw your house neighbours coming out of your room with a severe cry, hitting their hands on your brand new Range Rover Jeep.

All you could hear them saying is "HE IS GONE" or "SHE IS GONE".  You stood there watching them cry their hearts out in pain. So you asked yourself WHERE EXACTLY AM I GOING?

Your spirit started crying bitterly, because you were not prepared to start that journey so soon. BRETHREN where exactly do you think you are going if you stop breathing right now?

Are you aware of your final destination?

Remember your creator now because we have a place to go. So start preparing. 

I choose you to prompt every one for eternity and the only Lord and Saviour - JESUS CHRIST. 

HE alone can take you home (HEAVEN).


Praise be to Christ the King for this great opportunity to share with you my spiritual experiences. 

Firstly I would like to share a brief background of how I came to know the Lord as I did not do so in my previous testimony. Being at a boarding school from 8th to 12th grade made me have a great chance of rebelling against everything my parents had taught me was the right thing for a Christian to do. 

I lived a double life and hated church and anything to do with God generally. If someone told me anything about God, I would roll my eyes in displeasure.

On August 31 2011, I suddenly started feeling strange. That night, my supper was tasteless and I felt like I was going to die. I could literally feel spirits following me but at that time, I did not realize that they were demons. After supper, I went and lay on my bed which was unusual for me to do at that time as I was a TV addict.

 I  then started going through the section in the news paper were people write in memory of their loved ones which was also unusual for me to do. For some reason that I didn’t know, I started pitying the late people. Maybe it was because I would join them that very night.

Even though my sister Rachael also lived a double life, she was more spiritual than I and so she told me that we should pray before going to bed but I told her, “Just what is the point in praying anyway?” We ended up praying but I did so with a half -heart. That night, I dreamt I was in a certain place with a lot of other girls. 

We were all wearing dark blue gowns and some men were tying ropes against our waists. I didn’t want to be part of what seemed like an initiation into Satanism and so I started crying and one of the men scolded me in my mother tongue, Lozi.

Suddenly, I woke up and I could feel a terrible pain around my waist were the rope had been in the dream. It was so horrible, I wanted to wake my sister up but I just stared at her and said nothing. My heart was stopping to beat slowly and I felt weak. 

I knew I was going to die. When you are about to die you just know it, I also suddenly knew I was going to hell. No one had to tell me that. I saw a pitch dark pit which looked endless with flames at the bottom. 

At that moment, I was so weak but all I could think of was “Lord save me.” I managed to whisper it and I suddenly regained my strength. At that moment, my sister woke up and told me a voice had woken her up that I was under satanic attack. She then prayed for me and the pain miraculously disappeared.

My holiday experience drove me to start reading the bible at school but one of my close friends and roommate would discourage me and say. “So you think you are now a real Christian, you are just wasting your time because both you and I are going to hell!” In November I read the testimony of Angelica Zambrano and I heard a voice telling me that her testimony was true even before I read it.

 I then allowed the Lord to change me and I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on 2nd December 2011. From then on, the Lord has been giving me messages.

“Blessed is he that hears and acts positively towards the words in this testimony,” The LORD JESUS.


There was a white woman in hell. Even though the Lord had blessed her with long hair, she went and extended it. This woman was naked and in serious flames like looked like liquid fire. All she would do was scream, scream and scream. Her hands were lifted up and she said, “Am here because I used extensions.”

I saw another section of hell for those who change God’s image. Hell was pitch dark as usual and I only saw what I saw because it was the Lord’s will .

It must be understood that hell is a spiritual place and not physical so fire and darkness can exist at once there. This section of hell was rocky and there was no one in sight except for three demons in form of fearsome looking dragons.

 They wearing flying all over the place flapping their huge wings and screaming, “Uuh, uuh, uuh!” in attempt of making the place more lonesome. The place was fiercely hot and the people were in small pits in the rocks. 

The pits were just large enough to occupy them and they found difficulty moving either to the right or left. Their skin would fall off like it was made of plastic and their bones would be exposed. Then the process would then start all over again.

 These people were also continuously suffocating from the smoke of the intense fire and the stench of their own rotting flesh. They knew there were other people in that section but they were only worried about themselves and their families back on earth.

 Liquid fire would sprout continuously from these pits and there were groans from all over the place.

The Lord allowed me to hear the thoughts of one woman there. Her hands were and she was looking up to heaven with a frown on her face. 

She was thinking “Lord is my daughter being taken care of on earth? How I wish someone would tell her not put all those artificial things I made her to be doing” I understood that she meant artificial hair, painted nails etc. 

Please come back to the Lord and be proud of how he made you. The devil will entice you to sin on this earth but will laugh at you in hell and call you a fool. There is no chance of ever getting out of hell. Suddenly, one of the flying dragons pulled one woman out of her pit with its throat. 

I noticed that she had lipstick on. The dragon told her in a rough voice, “You fool! You loved the things of the world!”


  I saw a girl in fervent prayer. She was kneeling down in her room with a bible in her hand. She was praying with fire. However, I noticed that she had on a short skirt, artificial hair, eye shadow, painted nails, tweezed eyebrows with eyebrow pencil on them, lipstick and heavy jewelry i.e. neck chain and earrings. 

I have listed these things because the Lord instructed me to do so.  There were also two demons with her in the room. One of them sat on her stuff making itself comfortable but the other remained standing. They were looking at her with mocking smiles and glee. 

The demon sitting down had a book full of names in its hand. These were the names of those on their way to hell. Glancing at her, it wrote her name down in the book. The demon standing pointed its finger at her saying, “You are lukewarm and God is going to spill you in hell.”

 She could not see or hear any of this but only the Lord and I. See 1Timothy 2:9- 10 and 1 Peter 3:3. The bible also says that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God in Luke 16: 15.The Lord said, “They even want to expand parts of their bodies. They get boob jobs, lip jobs, add eyelashes on top of the ‘not so good ones’ which I made’ and add nails etc. They are shameful.”


I had a dream. I was about to go into a shop when a girl of about nine came up to me.                             She just stared at me and said nothing. I saw demons in her in the spirit and before I knew it, the Holy Spirit took control of me and I began casting them out. The girl shut her eyes in an attempt not to look at me but after sometime, the demons were cast out. 

I stared hard at her to see if there were still any demons but I could not discern anything. It was not until I put my hand on her chest that I discerned that she had been delivered.

 The Lord brought to my attention her artificial hair that it would attract even more demons to enter her though she had been delivered. This can be found in Luke 11: 24-26.

 One day, I was evangelizing and I was wondering which verse I could use to show that artificial hair was sinful when suddenly, I saw a vision with the scripture 1 Corinthians 11:15 on it. It says that God gave a woman her hair as a covering.


           The Lord personally gave me the above sub-title. The Lord said, “It is a disgusting sight when I see women, even young adolescents making cleavages. They just love to expose their bodies. 

They are possessed with the spirit of nakedness. They just can’t dress up but they have to expose their legs in short skirts and bodies in trousers and tight clothes. Tell them to repent because if they don’t they will go to the centre of hell were there is the horror of horrors as they have heard this warning. 

Tell them to respect my temple because they did not create themselves but I the Lord of Lords did!” He screamed this in anger with a clenched fist and tears trickling down his holy white garments.

           “The devil has not only possessed women but the men too. They wear a pair of trousers and drag it down and they think it is cool (Sagging). 

The men  plait their hair and also make all sorts of lines in their heads with shaving machines when they shave it (shades in the hair).Their portion is the section with  pits in hell if they do not repent. 

However if they hear this warning and do not repent, they’ll regret the day they were born in the centre of hell. That is not enough, they bounce about like balls with pride .

The women also develop pride because of their clothes and treat others like dirt. These days,  most people no longer even go to church to worship but to interact, show off their clothes and find what they like to call ‘love’ from those of the opposite sex. Tell them am waiting for them to repent with real undying love and I’ll never turn them away.” 

           To the dancers and those who sing or listen to non gospel music or gospel rap, rock, reggae or any other worldly beat. “The devil is timing you. 

He is giving you spiritual sleeping pills.” I saw a music concert and everyone there was covered by one big hand. The hand of Satan. It left a whitish jelly-like liquid on top of their heads. 

The Lord said,“The stuff he leaves he leaves on their heads makes worldly songs irresistible to them and they just can’t get enough. He hopes to catch them in their slumber and throw them to hell.”

            The Lord said, “Many will hate you for this testimony but remember that God’s people were never loved from ages past because they always spoke the truth. 

I will be with you and will love you more than they can ever love you .They will call you many names and even say you have ran mad and that you are an extremist. They will even use scriptures to discredit your testimony but don’t worry; Satan also has his own agents. Do not say anything in defense but remain silent.”


        “They love to praise me with their lips but their hearts are far away from me. They say they are Christians but want to live a double life. 

They read testimonies about how I want holiness of the outward and inner man yet they do not want to obey. They love to listen to those who comfort them that they are not sinning and they comfort themselves that they are not the only ones doing what they do. 

Tell them that in hell it is each man for himself. They use my temple to do right and wrong. As it is now in their state, they do not belong to me but to my enemy .Their punishment will be far worse. Tell them to repent. 

I the Lord love them and it is not my desire that they should go to hell. I do not force myself on any one let them not obey me if they do not want to because I want obedience from the heart. 

I do not take pleasure in those who serve me with undecided hearts. I would rather have one person serving me in truth and spirit than the whole world serving me with undecided hearts.”


 Those who love to speak without care, love or consideration. “They cut others with their                                             words. They have led many to commit suicide and give up on life or abandon their faith. 

They make others unhappy. They also speak negative words against me, my holy angels, Christianity, and my holy people. 

The most horrible kind of worms will bore their tongues and demons will give them the worst kind of torture, Come back to me. They also use frustration as an excuse to say all kinds of negative things against me.

 They say, “God has failed me!” “God doesn’t care!” among other things when the bible says God cares and he can never fail you. Sometimes, they are just not patient for God to do what they ask or their lives are not right. Tell them to be careful. 

I am not mortal as they are. They also speak lies and call them ‘little lies’ and normal. Their ‘normal’ and ‘little lies’ have a big punishment.” The Lord also said, “Do not keep grudges or hate each other. How can you expect me to forgive you if you do not forgive others?”


 I was in hell again and I saw a man in flames .A lot worms were crawling all over                                                          him. 

He was sort of drowning in the flames as he would stand up and fall on his knees again. The Lord was holding my hand as hell is so horrifying. I recognized the man and screamed in horror at his identity as I had thought he was in heaven.

 I loved this man when he was on earth and believed with all my heart that he was in heaven. I had always imagined him in green gardens and never in flames. The man is Mark Woodman. 

He was a staunch Adventist and did a lot in exposing the kingdom of darkness. I told the Lord, “This man can’t be here because he was a good man. What is he doing here?” I asked him in tears. 

The Lord said, “My child, cursed is he who obeys the law because they deny me.”Galatians 3:10. When I saw him there, my world came crumbling down as I had always admired his zeal for God’s work. 

I asked the Lord why he kept giving me revelations of famous people in hell as they were so hard to deliver and received many criticisms and he told me, “It is because I have given you the courage to do so.” May the Lord have mercy on us all. 

Please do not confuse this with holiness requirements. The laws of the Old Testament like some foods are forbidden were never given to us in the New Testament but God tells us in the New Testament that he requires holiness outwardly and inwardly. They are not laws but simply requirements.


I saw a baby pram with a lot of teddy bears. There demons inside them. These demons                were happy and mocking humans. They were saying, “Look just how easy it is for us to have access to human beings. 

The baby who will have this pram will be our toy.”And they all laughed loudly giving each other a high-five. The Lord also let me hear George in the cartoon Curious George. He was talking sweetly and innocently in the cartoon but would laugh loudly and sarcastically in the back ground at the people he was deceiving. 

The Lord has several times warned against secular TV. He said that even if one was watching Christian TV, they should ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit as the devil is a deceiver. “You may not even be aware but when you watch secular TV, your souls is in the hands of demons and they do as they wish.” 

The lord also showed me that some demons are also turned to clothes do not be intimidated. Jesus has power over the devil, just pray. 

Jesus also forbade the buying of clothes with evil, seductive or unholy drawings on them. The Lord also revealed that sometimes, a substance to make people resist fasting is put in food.


I was praying recently and I saw a demon stark naked walking on one of the corridors in hell. It had the characteristics of a male and female at the same time. 

It was ugly and horrifying to look at. On one side of the corridor were cells. There were a lot of people covered with flames and worms in the cells. 

They were all rushing and stepping on each other in an attempt to escape the cells. They all wanted to come to the front. These people had the number 666 embedded in their foreheads with something that looked like a tough metal. This metal went way inside their heads until the back. 

Worms and snakes would unwrap from the metal and fall inside their skulls. They would scream horribly “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” in torture, falling down. 

The demon took pleasure in their torments and laughed loudly, with some human flesh in its mouth .It then got a thick metal poll and began crushing one man’s head. The Lord said, “These are those who did not want to help those in need even when they were capable. They were greedy with their possessions and so demons will be greedy with their flesh.” 

He continued, “They also convinced themselves while knowing the truth in their hearts that some things were not sin for example, they classified trousers as not sinful for women because they cared more about pleasing the world and themselves than they did about pleasing me.

 They repeatedly committed ‘little sins’ but no sin is little. I will not favour anyone.”



Those willingly who serve Satan on earth .Some will be thrown from a high cliff into boiling lava. I saw a demon dragging a woman to a cliff. 

As he drugged her, tiny insects whose sting was like fire infested her legs and were climbing all over her. She was in so much pain that she looked lifeless and made no resistance to the insects. The huge demon muscular demon threw her over the cliff with one hand like a rag .

PA huge snake with thorns in its mouth was waiting for her down the cliff in the lava. It would not burn. Before she could even reach down, it swallowed her and she passed through the body of the snake till she came out at the end. 

Her flesh could bearly be seen, only bones stood. Before she could even take a breath, the seething lava carried her into a tunnel and I saw no more of her.


“These stubbornly adhered to their own teachings contrary to the bible. They used science and reason to dispute the existence of God and the afterlife mostly to comfort them. Most of them knew in their hearts that they believed a lie.” 

I saw a lot of people on their marks as if ready for a race. At the end was one apple tree with no fruits. There was only one apple at the foot of the tree. 

At a demon’s whistle, they all ran at top speed for the one fruit even hurting each other in the process. When they reached the destination however, there was nothing but huge wheels which started spinning at top speed with the people on them. 

Heads were being cut off and bodiless heads were just bouncing all over the place screaming “Nooo nooo nooo!” One demon holding a huge garden fork was standing by watching and it gave a soft laughter. It crossed its legs while turning an ‘apple’ round and round in its hand and said, “Humans, so easy to deceive.” 

The Lord also said that on the gate of hell, the words Welcome To Hell are written because in his word, it is written, ask and you’ll receive, seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. 

He said it is because you are being welcomed to the place you were seeking on earth.        



I saw people going up in the rapture. I noticed that they were all wearing pure white garments and had the words, JESUS FREAK written on their foreheads. The Lord said,“They call those who want to serve me in truth, spirit and holiness Jesus freaks. Tell them that only those Jesus freaks are going up in the rapture when I come .People will be shocked that I came. 

They will say, “We did not think he would come so soon.”

 During prayers at church one day, I saw a mob of demons exiting hell for earth. They told me, “We’re going to stop the rapture.” I told them, ‘You can’t stop the rapture” and then thy replied, “Then we are going to stop people from going in the rapture.” 

With that, they made for a certain street and started hugging people from behind. If the person’s name was John, the demon would also have the name John written on its forehead. 

This meant that that demon was assigned to this particular person. The demons began to whisper to the people they held captive, There is no “God, There is no rapture and Just enjoy the world a little bit.” After saying this, the demon would withdraw from the person and laugh secretly with its hand over its mouth. 

One of the deceived people then began shouting loudly, “There is no God!”



I saw a group of youth walking in the tunnel to hell. They were singing one popular song in one accord. 

They also stubbornly said it that they loved the fact   that they were going to hell. Suddenly, most of them turned back and started looking for something in desperation. 

I asked them what they were doing and one of them said, we are hungry and thirsty for the Lord. The place they were looking in seemed dry and barren but they were finding green pastures Isaiah 49:9. 

The Lord told me, “The world is barren in my world but there are a few green pastures.”


To whoever will read this. Please heed the Lord’s plea today as you only have chance here on earth. 

The devil so desperately wants your soul and has planted demons to bring you down. Ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and you will be saved. 

Jesus told me to tell you that he loves you more than you can ever imagine. May the Prince of Peace bless you.

Zipporah Mushala


For more testimony check on ; ,please SHARE to other so they may be awaken too.


❌1. They go to work early but come to church late.

❌2. They beg their boss when they err but threaten to leave church whenever there is a misunderstanding.*

❌3. They work hard to be promoted at work but treat the work of God with levity.*

❌4. They pay all their dues in the workplace but refuse to pay tithe and offering in the church.*

❌5. They buy costly things for their boss to get favour but can't even buy airtime for their pastor.*

❌6. When they are not going to be in the office, they take permission ahead from their superior; but expect pastor to pay them visits when they miss church without notice.*

❌7. They fear and respect their boss than their pastor and even sometimes more than God.

❌8. When they are sick they manage to go to work but they cannot manage to come to the church where they would have received their healing.*

❌9. They take official query serious but handle divine rebuke with disdain.*

❌10. They tolerate their colleagues in the workplace but cannot tolerate the brethren.*

❌11. They turn off their phones at workplace, but use calls to distract other worshippers in Church.*

❌12. They can work overtime in the office but get offended at the pastor if he's not closing at the stipulated time. 

❌13 They dress very well when they are  looking for work or going to the office, but dresses anyhow to seduce the brethren in the church.

❌14 They keep their workplace very clean, but dirty the house of God. 

❌15 They build mansions of house and decorate it with their resources. But never care what is lacking in the house of God.

❌16 They obey their boss but disobey God’s word.

If you're guilty of any of  these๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Ask God for mercy and live a fulfilling life for Him alone Who owns your breathe and everything you have.*

Don't read this alone, bless someone by sharing it, that's another means of winning a soul for Christ.

ATEMBELEA KUZIMU – Fabiola wa Madagaska -Sehemu ya pili (2)


 (Isaya 66:24b). Malaika akasema, “Twendeni kuzimu. Ikiwa watu 1000 watakufa ulimwenguni kote kwa dakika moja, watu 10 wataenda Mbinguni lakini wengine wataenda Jehanamu. 

Malaika na mimi tulikuja Kuzimu. Kuna pengo kati ya Mbingu na Moto. 

Yote yanayofanyika Mbinguni yanaonekana kutoka Kuzimu kama ilivyoandikwa katika Zaburi 23:5 Unaandaa meza mbele yangu Machoni pa adui zangu.

Malaika akaniambia, “Sipendi kwenda hapa kwa kuwa nina huzuni na hapa ni mchafu na ninanuka. Watu hapa pia wanalalamika na kuteseka. Wanawake ndio wana uwezekano mkubwa wa kuja hapa kwa sababu ya chuki na uvumi juu ya marafiki na matusi.

 Kuzimu hii ni shimo la giza na chafu na yenye harufu. Kuna aina nyingi za watu katika Jahanamu hii ya moto lakini wako wenye dhambi wengi, watu wasiotubu ambao hawaachi matendo yao maovu, wanaijaza Jahanamu hii ya moto. Imebainika kuwa kuna aina mbili za Jahanamu: Moto wa Jahannamu na Moto Mkuu.

 Hapo wote wanangojea kuja kwa Bwana kuwahukumu watu wote.” MOTO WA KUZIMU Jehanamu ni mahali penye giza na uvundo na mahali pa mateso kwa wakosefu na wasiomcha Mungu. Nitaorodhesha kila nilichoona hapa. 

Kwanza kabisa, mahali hapa pamejaa sana wanaume na wanawake wakiwa wamesimama wima huku kila mtu akiwa mstarini kwa sababu ya njia nyembamba. Lakini bado kuna maelfu ya watu wanaokuja kila dakika, lakini wana hasira sana, kwa sababu mara tu hatua moja, wote wanapigana na kulaaniana kutokana na vikwazo vya nafasi.

Ikiwa mtu yeyote atawaua juu ya uso wa Ardhi na kuwafanya waende Motoni, na kwa bahati, muuaji pia anakuja hapa, na wanakutana, kila siku wanapigana kila siku na kusema, "Kama hukuniua, ningekuja hapa, lakini huenda bado ningekua hai. Ningeweza kutubu na kumtumikia Mungu, lakini kwa sababu uliniua nimekuja hapa.” Sio mtu mmoja lakini watu wengi wanasema kitu kimoja.

Walevi daima hunywa maji ya moto huko. Koo zao zinauma lakini haiwezekani waache lakini lazima wanywe kila mara wapende wasipende. Wavuta sigara huvuta sigara hata wakati midomo yao imevimba, lakini daima wanalazimika kuvuta sigara.

Inafanywa milele. Kama vile uvutaji wa tumbaku unavyokula vumbi, lazima kila wakati kula au kumeza vumbi milele. Wacheza kamari daima hucheza kamari milele. 

Wacheza densi wanacheza kwenye moto na hawaruhusiwi kuacha kucheza hata dakika moja milele. Waimbaji huimba na kipaza sauti mikononi mwao ambayo hugeuka kuwa nyoka na kuwauma milele. 

Wazinzi, kwa upande mwingine, hulala kwenye kitanda cha moto, na nyoka mkubwa aliyejaa miiba ya moto. Nyoka mkubwa huzini na mzinzi, na huingia na kutoka ndani ya mwili wake milele na milele. Mwabudu sanamu hupigwa na shetani kwa fimbo iliyojaa misumari. Anapoachiliwa na kujaa mashimo, minyoo huingia kila shimo kwenye mwili wa mtu. 

Analazimishwa na shetani kuning'inia kichwa chini juu ya nguzo ya moto. Wachezaji kandanda wanalazimika kucheza mipira ya moto milele. Wanariadha ni watumwa wa michezo yao milele walipofika huko. Watu wanaopenda pesa, ponografia, matusi na wasio na dini, kila kitu walichofanya Duniani, wataendelea kufanya kuzimu milele.

 Ikumbukwe kwamba katika Jehanamu hii ya moto, moto ni mkali sana kwa miale mirefu ya takriban mita 20 inayowaka na kuwatesa. Kila mtu huko anateseka kweli na kusaga meno. Moto wa kuzimu ni ziwa la matope meusi ambayo yananuka hadi vilindi vya kiuno cha mtu. Udongo mweusi umejaa minyoo ndogo hadi koo au shingo ya mwanamume.

 Nakwambia minyoo huwaambukiza watu wa huko. Wanaingia na kutoka midomoni, puani, machoni na masikioni mwa watu waliopo. Mapambo yote ambayo watu huweka juu ya Dunia yanageuka kuwa minyoo kubwa, yenye miiba.

 Kuna huyu mwanamke mmoja kweli analalamika sana maana alijipamba Duniani kwa urembo, hivyo sasa hereni na vito vyake vinamtesa, vinabadilika na kuwa minyoo inayomchoma na miiba mikali mwilini.

 Mkononi mwake kuna pete na bangili lakini hizi pia zimegeuka kuwa minyoo yenye miiba iliyotia nanga kwenye sehemu za ndani kabisa za mwili.

Mnyororo ni uleule, ukibadilika kuwa kijiti cha miiba kinachoshuka kifuani mwake, ambacho hakiondoki, bali kinamtesa milele. Na mwanamke huyu ameweka nywele zake kwa moto, na baada ya moto kumteketeza, nyoka huanza kulamba kichwa chake. Nyoka hawa wanaouma na minyoo ya mateso wote huwaka kwa moto na hutoa harufu mbaya na matope.

Kwa wale wanaopenda kuchora nywele zao au kuongeza vifaa kwenye nywele zao nywele zao zitachomwa. Nyoka hupiga vichwa vyao, na minyoo wengi wadogo, wachafu hukaa juu ya vichwa vyao na hawaondoki kwao milele.

 Zaburi 9:17 Waovu watageuzwa kuzimu, na mataifa yote wanaomsahau Mungu. Isaya 66:24 Nao watatoka nje na kuitazama mizoga ya watu walioniasi; maana funza wao hatakufa, wala moto wao hautazimika, nao watakuwa chukizo kwa wote wenye mwili. Waimbaji wa ulimwengu huning'inia vichwa chini kwenye vigingi vya makaa. Ni jambo la kuchukiza kwa sababu wao pia wanaungua kwa moto wa makaa. Wachawi na waabudu masanamu nao wanateswa vivyo hivyo. 

Niliona waimbaji wengi wa Kimalagasi pale. Wanateseka sana na hawawezi kusema kwa vinywa vyao au kuona kwa macho yao kwani midomo, masikio na pua zao zimejaa minyoo, moto, nondo zinazonuka, nyoka. Wanadamu wana kelele sana shetani anawadhihaki na kuwapiga. 

Mwanamke mmoja aliniita kwa bahati mbaya, "Niokoe." Nikaona shetani amempiga kwa msumari mkubwa na mkali sana. Ibilisi aliniambia, "Mwanamke huyu alikuwa akifanya uchawi, uchawi, na uchawi kwa miaka 31.

 Mwanamke huyu mjinga hakutubia uovu wake, na sasa anapokea malipo yake aliyoyafanya. Haya ni matokeo ya kazi yake.” MOTO MKUBWA Moto Mkuu ni mahali pa Wakristo walioanguka. Imejaa moto unaowaka na minyoo na nyoka na harufu mbaya. Mara tu tulipoingia mahali hapa, tulimwona mwanamke aliyekuwa amepagawa na pepo wengi.

 Nilipomtazama, nikagundua kwamba alikuwa kipofu kwa sababu alisoma Biblia lakini hakuiweka moyoni. Masikio yake yalikuwa viziwi kwa sababu mara nyingi alisikia Neno la Mungu lakini hakulitii maishani mwake. Alikuwa kiziwi na bubu. Alisali, lakini sala yake ilikuwa ya unafiki. Mdomo wake ulipigwa na makofi ya nguvu.

Mkristo anapokuja kwenye tanuru hii ya moto, wanyama wote na mapepo huinuka ili kumdhihaki. Kumpeleka mahali kwanza, mashetani humjulisha maombi yote na kazi ya Mungu aliyoifanya hapa Duniani, ikiwa ni pamoja na kujitolea kwake kwa Mungu. 

Ibilisi humrudia kazi zote za Mungu alizozifanya na maneno ya Mungu ambayo amekuwa akihubiri daima. Zinamkumbusha tarehe aliyobatizwa na ahadi aliyotoa mbele za Mungu. Kulikuwa na mwanamke ambaye alikuwa akinifahamu aliniita kwa sauti na hivi ndivyo aliniambia, “Jina langu ni Marceline. Mimi ni mfuasi wa kanisa la uamsho.

 Nimekuwa nikimtumikia Mungu kwa miaka 8 na mimi ni mwangalizi muhimu sana na mkono wa kuume wa Mchungaji wetu. Majukumu yangu yalikuwa kuandaa matoleo na kutunza fedha za kanisa, mwombezi na kiongozi wa wanawake wazee, kufunga kila Jumanne, kutunza karatasi za kanisa, kusafisha kanisa na huwa kila asubuhi saa 5 asubuhi.

 Kwa sababu nilikuwa na kiburi na mchafu na mkatili, sasa unaniona nije hapa. Bwana aliniambia, “Katika muda wa miaka 8 ambayo umekuwa ukiomba, Marceline, hujauona uso Wangu hata kwa dakika moja kwa sababu ya kiburi na uchungu wako. Unafikiri unafanya kazi nyingi ili urithi Mbingu, lakini wewe ni mchafu moyoni.” Kisha nikafungwa na kutupwa hapa, na sasa unaniona hapa. 

Tuko wengi hapa. Jihadharini na wenye kiburi na wachafu wa moyo na kuwa wanyenyekevu." Nilishtuka na kuogopa sana aliposema hivyo kwa sababu nilimfahamu mwanamke huyu, na nilimkuta ni mwanamke wa dini sana. Aliitwa hata mchungaji na shemasi na mtunzaji.

 Nilipokuwa nikitafakari, malaika akaniambia, “Je, hukusoma hili?” Neno la Bwana katika Mathayo 7:21 Si kila mtu aliyeniambia, Bwana, Bwana, atakayeingia katika ufalme wa mbinguni, bali ni yeye afanyaye mapenzi ya Baba yangu aliye mbinguni. 

Na katika Mathayo 5:8 “Heri wenye moyo safi, maana hao watamwona Mungu” na waovu wa moyo hawatamwona Bwana, nao watakuja hapa kwa ajili ya uovu wao. 

Marceline alisema, “Jihadhari na kuwahukumu watu waadilifu, na usijisifu, hasa juu ya kiburi na uchafu, na ukosefu wa utakatifu. Unaweza kuona kilichonipata sasa. Nimetupwa hapa. Si kufanya kazi ya Bwana katika kanisa, hata iwe kubwa au ndogo kiasi gani, ndiko kunakokuokoa bali kufanya mapenzi ya Baba aliye Mbinguni.”

 Kama ilivyoandikwa katika Mhubiri 12:13-14 na tusikie mwisho wa mambo yote: Mche Mungu, nawe uzishike amri zake, maana kwa jumla ndiyo impasayo mtu. 14 Kwa maana Mungu ataleta hukumuni kila kazi, pamoja na kila neno la siri, likiwa jema au likiwa baya.

Amekwenda na macho yake yalikuwa hafifu, hata haoni. Naye akaniita, nikamjua. Ni vyema kutambua kwamba Wakristo wengi wanaokuja kwenye Moto huu Mkuu wana maisha ya maombi lakini bado wanatenda dhambi. Watu hapa wanateseka na kulalamika na kudhihakiwa na kupigwa na shetani. Kila mtu katika Moto huu Mkuu ni Mkristo - wanafanya kazi ya Bwana lakini si mapenzi ya Mungu na wamepotea hapa. 

Wachungaji wengi huja kwenye Moto huu Mkuu katika Kuzimu. Sikiliza kile mchungaji aliniambia, “Jina langu ni Gilbert. Mimi ni mchungaji na mtoaji pepo, nikihubiri ukweli wa neno la Bwana. Ninatoa zaka, mimi na mke wangu tunatembea katika haki, na nimeijenga nyumba ya Mungu na kuifanya kuwa nzuri. Niliacha pesa na mali na nyumba.

Nilikuja hapa kwa sababu ya uchungu wa moyo wa mfanyakazi mwenzangu kanisani. Simpendi sana lakini anafanya kazi na mimi. Kwa sababu hiyo, nilipuuza mayatima, wajane, na wapendwa wangu.

 Nilihukumu makanisa mengine na kuwashutumu wachungaji wenzangu.” “Vijana wengi wamepotea hapa kutokana na ukosefu wa utakatifu katika kuchagua mavazi yao.

 Imeandikwa katika Kumbukumbu la Torati 22:5 Mwanamke asivae mavazi yampasayo mwanamume, wala mwanamume asivae mavazi ya mwanamke; kwa maana kila afanyaye hayo ni machukizo kwa Bwana, Mungu wako. 

Wengi walikuwa wamedanganywa kwa sababu hawakuwa wamehubiriwa neno hilo. Hawakujua mapenzi ya Bwana na ndiyo sababu waliishi katika uasherati.” Mithali 31:30 Upendeleo hudanganya, na uzuri ni ubatili; Bali mwanamke amchaye BWANA, ndiye atakayesifiwa. 

Walifundishwa kwamba hakuna Kuzimu au moto wa mateso, na ndiyo sababu walifanya dhambi kwa siri ili wasionekane. Walifundishwa kwamba watu wanapokufa, roho zao hutanga-tanga na haziendi Mbinguni au Kuzimu hadi Yesu atakapokuja katika mawingu ya Mbinguni kuwachukua. 

Hivyo, wanadanganywa na kufanya dhambi. Luka 8:17 Kwa maana hakuna lililo sirini ambalo halitafunuliwa; wala lililofichwa ambalo halitajulikana na kutokea nje. Watu wengine hupokea hukumu zaidi na adhabu kali zaidi kuliko wengine.

Hukumu ni nyepesi kwa watu wote wa kawaida, au Mataifa ambao hawakujua kamwe njia za Mungu au neema ya Mungu lakini bado walitenda dhambi.

Waebrania 10:26 Maana, kama tukifanya dhambi kusudi baada ya kuupokea ujuzi wa ile kweli, haibaki tena dhabihu kwa ajili ya dhambi. Mathayo 11:24 Lakini nawaambia, ya kwamba itakuwa rahisi nchi ya Sodoma kustahimili adhabu yake siku ya hukumu kuliko ninyi. Kwa kweli, ni Wakristo ambao wamemwacha Mungu ndio wanaoteseka zaidi, kwa sababu walimdhihaki Yesu na kumsulubisha tena.

 Kumbuka kwamba watu wengi katika mahali hapa pa mateso ni wachungaji, mashemasi, na wazee. Kuna mambo mengi hapa lakini sio yote unaambiwa.

 Sikiliza kile wachungaji wawili wanachoniambia kuzimu. Mwanamume mmoja huko Kuzimu alisema, “Nilikuwa mchungaji katika kanisa, lakini wawili wetu tulikufa pamoja kwa sababu ya ajali ya barabarani. 

Tulikuja hapa kwa sababu ya kiburi chetu na kupenda pesa.” Kuna waimbaji wa Kimalagasi hapa waimbaji wa sifa lakini hawaenendi katika kweli na utakatifu. Wana uwezo wa kumsifu Yesu mbele ya watu na kuwahadaa baadhi ya watu na kuuvunjia heshima utukufu wa Mungu. Kwa hiyo adhabu kali zaidi inawangoja Motoni. Boriti ya msalaba wa makaa ya mawe iko katikati ya moto. 

Waimbaji wote wananing'inia juu chini, kwa hiyo miili yao inawaka kwa moto chini yao na wanageuka kuwa weusi. Nyoka huingia kwenye midomo yao, hupitia pua zao, na huingia machoni mwao na kutoka masikioni mwao. Hiki ndicho kinachowangoja waimbaji ambao hawafanyi mapenzi ya Mungu lakini daima wanaimba sifa za Mungu. 

Kisha malaika akanichukua kutoka Kuzimu kwa vile muda ulikuwa unaenda. Nimeona mambo mengi hapo lakini nafupisha hapa. Malaika akaniambia, “Jehanamu imetayarishwa kwa ajili ya shetani na malaika zake lakini ukiamua kutenda dhambi na kumtumikia shetani, mwisho wake ni sawa na yeye. Waovu au Wamataifa wakiondoka Duniani, watakwenda Motoni."

Zaburi 9:17 Waovu watageuzwa kuzimu, na mataifa yote wanaomsahau Mungu. Aina ya watu wanaoomba lakini hawaamini uhusiano wao na Mungu wapo Motoni. 

Washiriki wa kanisa na wachungaji ambao wamejishughulisha na zaka na matoleo lakini sio utakatifu na toba wako Jehanamu pia. Kutoa pesa ni nzuri lakini hakuhifadhi. Kisha kuna Wakristo wanaofanya kazi ya Mungu, wakihubiri habari njema na kujenga makutaniko kwa ajili ya watu wa Mungu, lakini Yesu alitangaza kwamba wao ni uzao wa nyoka, kwa sababu walifanya kazi yao katika hatia na uovu, na wamejaa chuki dhidi ya Mungu. sheria. 

Utakatifu, haki, na usafi mbele ya sheria ndivyo Mungu anahitaji kwa Kanisa. Mola ameiweka Siku ya Hukumu kwa ajili ya mtu dhalimu kuadhibiwa, na inadumu milele. 2 Petro 2:9 Bwana anajua jinsi ya kuwaokoa watauwa na majaribu, na kuwaweka wasio haki katika siku ya hukumu waadhibiwe.

 Mathayo 25:41 Kisha atawaambia na wale walioko mkono wa kushoto, Ondokeni kwangu, mliolaaniwa, mwende katika moto wa milele, aliowekewa tayari Ibilisi na malaika zake; Hii ndiyo sababu hasa watu walio kuzimu wanalia kwa sauti kubwa wanapotambua dhambi na maovu yaliyowaletea mateso haya.

Na wachungaji wengi walikuja pale kwa ajili ya kupenda fedha na upotoshaji wa Neno la Mungu, na hawahubiri ukweli, na hawana utakatifu na kukana mapenzi ya Baba. Wakristo wa kweli watendao mapenzi ya Baba na kuenenda katika kweli na kusimama katika utakatifu ili watakapoondoka hapa Duniani waende kwa Yesu na wasilie wala kuhuzunika tena. Hatimaye, kulingana na malaika huyo, alisema, “Watu wa Madagascar wanapenda amani na nchi, lakini ni wanafiki mbele za Mungu. 

Wakristo wengi wanadai kuwa wa kidini lakini wanapenda masengenyo na uchafu, wivu, kutafuta pesa na kukashifu makanisa mengine. Hizi zote ni sifa za Wakristo wa Malagasy. Lakini hayo yote ni matokeo ya wachungaji kutohubiri ukweli wa kweli wa neno la Mungu, na wakati huo huo kupotosha Neno la Mungu na kuwapotosha na kuwahadaa wafuasi wa Kikristo.

 Wanamtumaini mchungaji na jina la kanisa, na wanasimama na kazi ya Mungu na si kwa Neno la Mungu ambaye kwa hakika ni Yesu Kristo. Ndio maana Wakristo wengi wanaenda Jehanamu. Ujumbe wa mwisho: Wenye dhambi bado wanaweza kuziacha njia zao mbaya wakiwa duniani.

Kwa hiyo ukiwa na nia utafungua moyo wako, utajinyenyekeza, utapiga magoti chini ya msalaba, kutubu, kuomba, kumwita Yesu. Ikiwa wewe ni Mkristo na unataka kwenda Mbinguni, usisimame na mchungaji au kanisa bali simama kwenye Neno la Mungu, ambalo ni Yesu Kristo. Soma Biblia, samehe dhambi za waliokuhuzunisha, fanya mapenzi ya Mungu.

 Yesu akubariki.

๐Ÿ™Shirikisha ujumbe huu kwa watu wengi zaidi ili wapate kufahamu kweli.

๐Ÿ’ฅWaweza fuatilia shuhuda na mafundisho mbalimbali kama vile:-

1.MBINGUNI, KUZIMU NA HALI YA SASA YA KANISA ----Mtumishi Rodolfo Acevedo Hernandez



4.Mbinu pekee ya kuingoja parapanda ya mbinguni / kuja kwake YESUKRISTO !!.


✨Na mengineyo.๐Ÿ™Karibu sana ,pia waweza shirikisha wengine na Mungu akubariki.


Dada Fabiola wa Madagaska 1 Mwanamke mchanga wa Kimalagasi kutoka Madagaska aliyeletwa na Bwana kutembelea Mbinguni na Kuzimu mnamo Desemba 4, 2010. 

Amani ya Bwana Yesu kwenu wasomaji. Ujumbe huu ni wa kukujulisha njia mbili unazopaswa kufuata ukiondoka hapa Duniani, na kukusaidia kujifunza zaidi kuhusu wewe mwenyewe na maisha yako ya kiroho. 

Naitwa Fabiola na kazi yangu ni mwombezi au kiongozi wa maombi kwa wenye matatizo. Ni kawaida yangu kuomba miguuni pa Bwana, na hudumu kwa masaa. 

Furaha yangu kuu ni kufurahi ndani Yake na kukaa katika uwepo Wake wa kila siku. Kama mwombezi, mara nyingi mimi huomba peke yangu, pamoja na kusali pamoja kanisani. Lakini siku moja nilikuwa nikiomba na marafiki zangu wanne kwa saa kadhaa na hivi ndivyo nilivyoona. 

Malaika wawili walisimama karibu nami na kunitabasamu na kusema, “Njoo pamoja nasi na tutaenda Mbinguni. Nina ujumbe mzuri wa kukufikishia, muhimu na mustakabali wako unategemea hilo." Malaika aitwaye Natanael akawaambia wale malaika walionileta, Mleteni ndani kwa maana yu katika Bwana. 

Tuliingia kwenye lango lililokuwa na mwanga kama jua. Nilipoingia kwenye lango hilo, nguo zangu na sura yangu zilibadilika. Niliona roho zilizokombolewa pale - nzuri, zote zimevaa sawa katika mavazi meupe na marefu. 

Taji hazikuwa sawa kwa sababu zingine zilikuwa na nyota nyingi angavu na kubwa, lakini zingine zilikuwa na nyota ndogo sana, kama nyota tatu tu. Walakini, umati huu mkubwa ulijaa tabasamu zuri na utukufu safi wa Mungu kama hakuna mtu hapa Duniani kwa sababu mtindo wao wa maisha ni tofauti sana. Hakuna ardhi wala mchanga, lakini dhahabu ni nzuri sana huko, kama kioo. 

Maeneo yote ni dhahabu na nyumba pia zimetengenezwa kwa vito vya rangi mbalimbali. Hakuna jua wala mwezi, lakini mwanga na mwangaza Mbinguni ni tofauti sana. Kuna watoto na wanaume wengi lakini wanawake walikuwa wachache. Tulipoingia kwenye nyumba, sauti iliniambia, “Njoo hapa.” Nguvu ilinivuta mbele ya Mtu yule, nikaanguka chini. Akasema, “Angalia juu.” 

Nikatazama juu, nikaona mtu ameketi katika kiti cheupe cha enzi. Alikuwa amevaa vazi jeupe linalong'aa na mikono mirefu na mshipi wa dhahabu kifuani Mwake, na uso Wake uking'aa kwa jua, na macho Yake kama mwali wa moto; na miguu yake ilikuwa kama shaba iliyosuguliwa sana, kana kwamba imeteketezwa katika tanuru; na sauti yake ilikuwa kama sauti ya maji mengi.

Inatisha kumwona. Kuna upinde wa mvua wa rangi nyingi karibu Naye na malaika wengi nyuma Yake wakiwa na tarumbeta za dhahabu na fedha. Nilipoona hivyo nilitetemeka. 

Mwili wangu wote ulifadhaika, wala sikuwa na nguvu ndani yangu; kwa maana nilikuwa dhaifu, lakini nilisikia maneno yake kwangu, “Macho yako na yaone nitakalokuonyesha, na sikio lako lisikie nitakalosema, na akili yako iyatafakari yote uyaonayo na kuyasikia. Mimi ndimi Yesu Kristo.” 

Aliponiambia haya, kulikuwa na nguvu iliyokuwa ikiendelea mwilini mwangu hadi kwenye mifupa yangu na Alisema, “Nimeyaona mateso ya watu Wangu wanaonitafuta mchana na usiku, lakini wamepotoka na wanateseka. 

Ndiyo maana nimekuleta mbele za uso wangu ili nitangaze maovu ya watu wako, taifa lenye dhambi, lililojaa ibada ya sanamu. Kwa hiyo, kuna migogoro mingi, njaa, na majanga ambayo hutokea na bado yatatokea. Pia kuna wanaosali bila kujua ukweli. 

Kuna makanisa mengi yanayoinuka na kutohubiri haki ya kweli na kutotenda mapenzi ya Mungu maana nia yao ni kujenga makanisa makubwa sana na sio kuwajenga watu watakatifu na waadilifu.” “Ili kuunda uamsho wa kweli kati ya watu wako, nitatuma na kuwaweka watumishi wangu ambao watatangaza utakatifu na ukweli wa neno la Mungu.

Wanapaswa kuwakusanya watu wote na kufanya ukweli wa kweli ujulikane. Wakristo  wamepitia rehema na neema, lakini hawajaona nguvu za kweli za Mungu hadi leo. Wachungaji wamekengeushwa kutoka katika kupata roho na wengi wameanguka kwa sababu ya chuki, kashfa na mateso waliyoyapata. 

Kama matokeo ya hili, tabia ya washiriki wengi wa kanisa huundwa kama tabia ya wachungaji wao na hakuna anayeinuka kuwa mtakatifu wa kweli.” Bwana aliponena, ndimi za moto zilikuwa zikitoka kinywani mwake. 

Pia aliniambia, “Watu wengi wanadai kuwa Wakristo lakini wanajidanganya kwa sababu hawana uhusiano maalum na Mungu. Wanajifanyia miungu yao wenyewe, hawatembei katika haki, bila utakatifu, bila unyenyekevu na usafi na uadilifu.” Nikamwambia, “Yesu, tufanye nini ili tupate kuokolewa?”

Alinijibu, “Fanya mapenzi ya Mungu na ujitahidi kuongeza utakatifu. Waebrania l2:14b, “Pasipo utakatifu hakuna awezaye kumwona Bwana.” Tembea katika kweli, uwe na usafi wa moyo. Mathayo 5:8 “Heri wenye moyo safi; kwa maana atamwona Mungu”. 

Jua unachohitaji kufanya na kuliombea kanisa lako na kiongozi wako (mchungaji wako). Usishirikiane na maovu, jitenge na maisha ya dunia, soma Neno la Mungu na uzingatie linavyosema, zijue amri, simama imara, usibadili ukweli maana ni Neno la Mungu na Neno la Mungu. 

Mungu ni Yesu Kristo. Mtu ye yote asiposimama katika njia ya Mungu na halitii Neno la Mungu, na ile kweli, Mimi, Yesu Mwenyewe, nitamkataa.” Bwana alisema, “Wachungaji wengi na wainjilisti au wahubiri wa Neno la Mungu huwaongoza watu kuzimu, kwa sababu ya kupotosha Neno la Mungu. Kwa kutohubiri ukweli wa kweli, kwa hivyo roho nyingi zimepotea. 

Nafsi hizi zilizopotea, hata hivyo, nitamwomba kila mwangalizi katika kila jaribu kabla ya kupelekwa Jehanamu na kwenye ziwa la moto. Malaika aliyekuwa karibu nami alijua nilichokuwa nikifikiria na akasema, “Unaweza kuuliza.” 

Nilifikiria karibu kumwambia, “Nina marafiki wengi wanaofanya kazi ya Bwana, vipi kuhusu wao?” “Watu unaowajua, na ambao umewaona, wanafungua mlango wa Jahannamu wakiwalazimisha watu kuingia humo.

 Hawafanyi kazi hiyo kwa sababu ya kumpenda Mungu. Imeandikwa katika Yohana 14:15, “Mkinipenda, mtazishika amri zangu.” Hawa marafiki zako wanaofanya kazi ya Bwana, pia wanawaongoza watu kuzimu.

Wanabatiza watu wasio waaminifu katika ndoa na kuwabatiza wezi bila kuwafundisha kutubu. Kwa njia hii, wanakataa maneno katika Waefeso 5:5 Maana neno hili mnalijua, ya kwamba hakuna mwasherati wala mchafu wala mwenye tamaa, ndiye mwabudu sanamu, aliye na urithi katika ufalme wa Kristo na wa Mungu.

Pia aliniambia, “Wakristo wote wanapaswa kupendana na kuheshimiana.

 Watu wengi huenda Jehanamu lakini Kuzimu haikukusudiwa mwanadamu hapo mwanzo, bali ni mahali palipoandaliwa kwa ajili ya shetani na malaika zake. Watu waliochagua kumfuata shetani badala ya kufuata Neno la Mungu, watakuwa na mwisho sawa na shetani. Ni sehemu iliyojaa mateso na Jahannamu ni taabu na wenye dhambi watateseka humo milele. 

Watalia na kusaga meno. Ibilisi anajua adhabu hii mbaya inayokuja, yuko radhi kuwadanganya watu wamfuate huko. Sio tu watu wa mataifa mengine wataenda kuzimu bali pia wakristo wasipokuwa na uhusiano wa kuaminiana na Bwana. 

Mchango wako kwa kanisa au mchungaji wako hauwezi kukuokoa. Kuna hata watu wanaohubiri Neno la Mungu na kuanzisha makanisa mazuri kwa watu wa Mungu, lakini watu hawa walifanya matendo maovu na wamejaa chuki na kutotii sheria takatifu na safi ambayo Bwana anaitaka kanisa. 

Wasio haki watateswa kwa moto na watateswa milele katika ziwa la moto kwa sababu hawakufanya mapenzi ya Bwana.” 

Mathayo 25:41 Kisha atawaambia na wale walioko mkono wa kushoto, Ondokeni kwangu, mliolaaniwa, mwende katika moto wa milele, aliowekewa tayari Ibilisi na malaika zake. Alipomaliza kusema, alimwambia malaika, “Mpeleke Kuzimu. Mwambie mambo yote huko.” 

Malaika alinitoa nje na akasema jina lake ni Mikaeli, kiongozi wa wanamgambo - yeye ni Kapteni wa jeshi la Mbinguni. Alipigana na Shetani na akaanguka Duniani. 

Alinieleza Lusifa na kazi yake na Km wake kwangu. Mikaeli alikuwa mrefu, mzuri, na mrefu kuliko malaika wote. Alinionyesha jumba lililojengwa kwa aina nyingi za mawe ya thamani, na ya rangi tofauti. 

Nilikuta kuna watu wengi waliookoka, hivyo wote waliinama chini na kuinua vichwa na mikono kwa pamoja. Wimbo huo haupigwi bali hutoka katika kiti cha enzi cha Mungu. Ikumbukwe kuwa hapa hakuna wazee bali wote ni vijana.

Kisha tukapata nyumba kubwa yenye viti vingi visivyo na mtu na nzuri na adimu sana. Pia kulikuwa na malaika wengi pale wakifanya kazi. Malaika hawa, kama Mikaeli alivyoniambia, hupanga viti hivi kila siku. 

Akaniambia, “Waulize hawa malaika wanafanya nini.” Nikauliza, “Hivi viti ni vya nani?” Malaika aliniambia, “Viti vingi unavyoviona ni vya Wakristo wa kweli, ambao bado wanaishi Duniani.

 Kulingana na haki yake na utakatifu na usafi wa moyo na shauku ya upendo kwa Mungu, atakuwa na kiti hapa. Lakini Mkristo wa kweli anapoacha upendo wake wa kwanza, kiti chake huhamishwa hadi mwisho wa meza. 

Viti unavyoviona huko nyuma ni viti vya Wakristo walio baridi katika kazi yao na hawana upendo katika utumishi wao kwa Mungu.” Kisha akasema tena, “Ukitaka kuingia na kurithi Mbingu, jitunze katika utakatifu maana ni amri na si chaguo. 

Tembea katika haki, uwe na usafi na unyenyekevu na upendo na wema na furaha. Hatimaye, nendeni moja kwa moja mbele za Bwana katika mambo yote, nanyi mtakuja hapa na kuketi mbele.” 

Tulipoondoka, tuliona mataji katika nyumba ileile ya karibu. Wao ni mkali sana na tofauti, lakini ni bora kuliko dhahabu halisi. Kuna nyota nyingi zinazowapamba kulingana na idadi ya watu unaohubiri ukweli na ambao wametubu dhambi zao na kumpokea Yesu Kristo kuwa Bwana na Mwokozi wao katika maisha yao binafsi. 

Idadi ya nafsi ulizovutia ni idadi ya nyota kwenye taji - heshima yako. Ikumbukwe kwamba watu wanaomiliki viti na taji hizi ni Wakristo wa kweli ambao bado wamebakia Duniani lakini wakati wa kuondoka kwao duniani, Yesu atawapa viti vyao na kuwatia taji juu ya vichwa vyao. 

Tulipoondoka, tuliona dimbwi likiwa limejaa damu iliyokuwa ikilia na kupiga kelele. Nilimuuliza malaika. Naye akasema, “Sauti uliyoisikia ni sauti ya damu ya watu wanaolia. Hizi ni damu za Wakristo wa kweli waliouawa Duniani, lakini roho zao ziko hapa, lakini damu bado itaulizwa kwa wale walioimwaga. 

Iwapo kuna wazazi wanaowapiga watoto wao hivyo mtoto akitokwa na damu hata kidogo, bado itaulizwa kwa wazazi wake. Lakini kwa sababu amwagaye damu humwaga uhai.” Niliona maji mengi yakirundikana nikauliza maana maji haya ni safi lakini yanasonga. Kisha malaika akaniambia, “Maji haya ni machozi ya Mkristo wa kweli ambaye analia kwa sababu ya mateso na ukandamizaji wa wanadamu duniani kwa kumfuata Yesu Kristo na kumpenda Mungu na kutembea katika kweli. 

Ikiwa Mkristo wa kweli alilia kwa sababu ya mateso na mnyanyaso, machozi yake yakusanyika hapa yakingoja majaribu ya watu waliowatesa.”

Nilimwona msichana mdogo na malaika akaniruhusu kuzungumza naye. Hivi ndivyo alivyosema, "Jina langu ni Samirah, nina umri wa miaka 8 sasa, najua wewe ni mpita njia, kwa sababu najua kwa nguo zako." 

Nami nikamwambia, Umejuaje kwa mavazi yangu? Naye akamjibu, “Kwa maana mbingu ni takatifu na zimejaa utukufu, ili mwenye dhambi na asiye safi wasiingie humo, lakini wale waliookolewa wanaokuja hapa na kukaa hapa hawana doa.

 Malaika akaniambia, “Watu hawa wote wanajua kwamba unapita hapa.” Mwanamke mmoja aliruhusiwa na malaika kusema nami, akisema, “Mimi ni mwanamke maskini Mbinguni kwa sababu watu wengi huniinua na kunifanya Mungu. 

Kwa kweli, watu wanamwabudu mwanamke huyu hapa Duniani. Malaika na mimi tukaondoka na akaniambia, "Angalia chini." Nilitazama nikashangaa kuona watu wamesimama ndani ya maji, watu wengi sana, wengine miguuni, wengine hadi magotini, makalio, na hata kifua na wachache sana wanaogelea kwenye maji haya. 

Wale kwa vifundo vyao husogea, wakati mwingine hadi ardhi kavu, wakati mwingine chini ndani ya maji. Malaika aliniambia kuhusu watu hawa, “Maji ni Neno la Mungu. Watu hawa ni Wakristo bado wanaishi Duniani. Wale walio na maji mpaka kwenye nyayo za miguu yao, hao ndio waendao kwa Neno la Mungu, na wakafanya yaliyo mema machoni pa Mungu." “Wale walio na maji hadi magotini huanza kuwa na kiu ya ukweli na kutii Neno la Mungu. Mathayo 5:6 "Heri wenye njaa na kiu ya haki; maana hao watashibishwa."

 “Watu wenye maji hadi viunoni ni wale wanaofanya kweli na kutimiza mapenzi ya Mungu, na kuacha yote kwa sababu ya Neno la Bwana.” “Wale walio na maji hadi vifuani mwao ni watu ambao kwa kweli wanaishi kwa maisha ya Mitume hawa, wakihubiri injili, na kuwavuta watu kwa Yesu, na kuwabatiza wale katika ubatizo wa kweli wa haki. 

Bwana atawaruhusu kutenda miujiza na ishara nyingi kubwa kwa sababu wanaamini na kutumaini na kutimiza ukweli na utakatifu hivyo nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu zitakuwa kuu.” 

“Wale watu wanaogelea majini kwa sababu Neno la Mungu linawafanya wasulubishe miili yao na tamaa zao msalabani. Watu kama hao wameingia katika utakatifu wa kina, wakitimiza ukweli. Hao ndio watu wenye furaha zaidi Mbinguni. Paulo Mtume wakati wa maisha yake hapa Duniani alikuwa na utakatifu mkamilifu. 

Watu hawa wana ishara maalum wanapofika Mbinguni na kupewa thawabu kubwa sana na jina la milele ambalo haliwezi kuondolewa kutoka kwao, kukaa katika ukuta. Zina thamani kuliko dhahabu.”

Isaya 56:4-5 Maana Bwana aliwaambia hivi matowashi, wazishikao sabato zangu, na kuyachagua yanipendezayo, na kulishika agano langu; 5 Nami nitawapa hao katika nyumba yangu, na ndani ya kuta zangu, mahali na jina lililo jema kuliko wana na binti; nitawapa jina la milele, ambalo halitakatiliwa mbali

Pia niliona watu wengi ndani ya uzio. Watu hawa bado wanaishi Duniani. Walikuwa wakilalamika kutaka kutoka lakini hawakuweza. Walikuwa wakitangatanga wakitafuta njia ya kutokea lakini hawakuweza. Mithali 13:15b, “Njia ya wadanganyifu ni ngumu.” 

Watu hawa wamemtumikia Yesu na wamemkubali kuwa Bwana na Mwokozi wa maisha yao lakini wakarudi tena kwa uovu na dhambi, na maisha ya ulimwengu. Walitamani kuondoka utumwani lakini hawakuwa huru tena. 

Waebrania 6:4-6 Kwa maana hao waliokwisha kutiwa nuru, na kukionja kipawa cha mbinguni, na kufanywa washirika wa Roho Mtakatifu, 5 na kulionja neno jema la Mungu, na nguvu za ulimwengu. yajayo, 6 ikiwa watajikwaa ili kuwafanya wapya hata kutubu; wakiona wanamsulubisha Mwana wa Mungu upya kwa nafsi zao tena, na kumtia aibu hadharani.

 Wengine wamefungwa mikono na miguu, wakati wengine bado wanaomba wakiwa wamefungwa na tabia mbaya ili wote wasiokolewe na wasio na toba lakini pia hawabadiliki, hivyo ni kupoteza muda na juhudi tu. Nilimuuliza malaika kwa nini watu walikuwa wakiomba bila kujua wanachofanya.

 Aliniambia, “Watu hawa wanafanya hivi kwa sababu ya kutojua Neno la Mungu. Kuna aina 2 za kazi ambazo kila Mkristo anapaswa kufanya. 

Kwanza, Fanya na fanya mapenzi ya Mungu. Pili, Huduma zote na uinjilisti na miujiza. Mara nyingi, hata hivyo, Wakristo hupata uharaka katika kazi ya pili lakini kwa kweli, kazi ya kwanza inapaswa kufanywa kabla ya kazi ya pili. Ndiyo maana kwa vile hawafanyi mapenzi ya Mungu, hatimaye wanakataliwa.” 

Mathayo 25:41-42 Kisha atawaambia na wale walioko mkono wa kushoto, Ondokeni kwangu, mliolaaniwa, mwende katika moto wa milele, aliowekewa tayari Ibilisi na malaika zake.

Ni lazima tuelewe kwamba watu hawa ndani ya maji na wale watu ndani ya uzio unaoonekana Mbinguni ni roho ambazo bado zinaishi duniani. Maisha yao duniani yanaakisiwa Mbinguni, iwe wako ndani ya maji ya Neno au wamefungwa na uzio wa vifungo. 

Tukiendelea mbele zaidi, tuliona nyumba kubwa ya duara iliyotengenezwa kwa vioo vya rangi na vito na nyumba nyingine inayofanana na hiyo lakini iliyojengwa kwa mawe hivi kwamba iwe wazi na safi na yenye kung'aa. Ni nyumba ya wazee 24 kuhukumu mataifa yote. Wanaketi kwenye viti vyao vya enzi. Mbele ya kila moja yao kuna mabamba mawili makubwa ya mawe, yenye zile Amri Kumi.

 Aina mbalimbali za viumbe hai ziko mbele yao. Ikiwa mtu anahukumiwa, anasimama mbele yao wote pamoja na malaika upande wa kulia na Shetani atakuja. 

Ikiwa yeye ni Mkristo wa kweli, basi Yesu Kristo ndiye mtetezi wake kwa Baba. Ikiwa yeye ni Mkristo wa uongo anafungwa na kutupwa kwa kifungo katika Kuzimu ambako kuna kilio na kusaga meno. 

Malaika alisema, “Mara nyingi ubatizo ni sababu ya matatizo ya Wakristo kwa sababu wengi wamebatizwa lakini hawajatubu. Hawakuacha tabia zao mbaya, hasa uasherati wa nyumbani. 

Ndiyo maana watu wengi sana wanaenda Kuzimu.” Chakula halisi cha watu wa Mbinguni ni wimbo wa sifa. Kuna aina nyingi za nyumba huko Mbinguni lakini malaika akaniambia, “Nyumba hizi hazijengwi kwa mikono.

 Kila moja ina aina yake, ikitegemea hali ya kiroho ya mtu huyo na pia ukubwa au ukubwa wa nyumba yake.” Majengo hayo yamepambwa kwa mawe ya fuwele nyeupe yenye kung'aa na yenye kuvutia. Pia kuna yale yaliyofanywa kwa mawe ya thamani ya bluu, kijani, nyekundu, njano. Malaika akasema, “Hizi ni nyumba za waliokombolewa. 

Baadhi yao ni nyumba za watu ambao bado wanaishi Duniani. Tunawasubiri waje huku. Mcheni Mungu.” Malaika alisema, “Mtu akija Mbinguni, Yesu na malaika wengi hukutana naye, kwa sababu Bwana hutuma malaika duniani kumchukua hadi Mbinguni. 

Sisi malaika tulipanga mstari pamoja na Yesu mbele ili kuwakaribisha waliokombolewa na kumsifu Mungu.” Anapofika, Bwana Yesu anamkumbatia kwa mikono Yake kwa kumkumbatia sana na kusema, “Ingia kwa furaha ya Bwana wako.” Mchana kutwa ni furaha kuu Mbinguni. 

Lakini mara nyingi hii ni kitu kinachotokea. Mara tu anapouona uso wa Bwana, analia kwa sauti kuu na kusema, “Bwana wangu Yesu mpendwa! Nakuona! Ninalia machozi ya furaha.” Bwana anapomwona, hufurahi na kumkumbatia na kufuta machozi yake yote. Bwana humvika taji ya dhahabu na kumpa kiti cha kuketi. 

Yeye na Bwana hunena, lakini waliokombolewa na malaika wanaendelea kumsifu Bwana na sikukuu inaendelea.,-



#Pia waweza kubonyeza hapo chini ili kufuatilia shuhuda nyingine nyingi kama vile:-



One thing we must know about anointing of God

  One thing we must know about this anointing of God. What is most important is maintainer. It is not to receive, but to maintain. That is the biggest and this is where problem lie on all over the world. Anybody can be used to do this, to change it, do this to raise the death, but to maintain this anointing is other issue, because anointing attracts persecution.

Anointing of God attract condemnation. Anointing of God attract intimidation and other things alike, Just name those things it attracted. It's like honey when it drop as it attracts fame, attracts popularity, attracts everything. Good thing also attracts those things.
Condemnation , humiliation, persecution, this and that. But to receive it you can, I can just say receive even  through partition in the name of  Jesus you will receive it. You begin to operate before you know it you will loose all  and not finish well in ministry, because the war will rise against you. So This is why we need CHARACTER.
It is only CHARACTER that can maintain the anointing of GOD. Anointing of GOD is like a lamb. When you put light, you put light in the lamb, the fire. There is power, while the oil is CHARACTER. And if there is no oil in the lamb, would light burn? Which one is most important?
Oil is CHARACTER. The light is power. Let me lamp there. Let me show a demonstration of what I'm talking about. You know, when you want to prepare light. You put fire, it becomes burning. If there is no oil or if the oil is diluted, it's another problem.

When the oil is diluted, maybe the oil is mixed with water. The fire there became questionable, questionable power, questionable power. But we don't know this all over the world.
Little anointing, we fly into the United States, United Kingdom and everywhere. We begin to take praise worldly praises, material and whatever that will rubbish the anointing in your life. You come back to whom you are and you will begin to rely on wealth, not anointing again.
That is why today we can have rich ministers of GOD and rich ministers of GOD. Are they rich in anointing of God? Anointing of God has food just like you are eating rice physically.Do you know spirit being eat. He eat And what does he eat? He eat character.
You eat. What? If you don't give him food? Your case will be worse than those who have not received at all. It's better not to receive the anointing than to receive it and lose it. You have the lamb there. Read it. Look at what I was talking about this.

Light is a gift. The oil is is character . If there's no oil, this light cannot continue to burn. The food for this light is here. We eat this food. If there's no more food here, you will not see any light again.
So if you now have a gift now without this character, what kind of gift is that? It cannot live. And if this oil is diluted, if you now put water inside, you will see this light will begin to epileptic. You cannot see that it's not been wet again. This is why what has happened to us?

It's true many of us were anointed by God, but alongside when the character is diluted, what is going to happen? We say out of 1000 people we pray for. It may be only one person that will receive. But at the beginning it was not like that.
It was happening and people were seeing the mighty power, but gradually it.
Gradually power go down down down down
It means something is happening to the character.

People looking for a gift, people are looking for fire but people talk less of character.Impartation , impartation  yes you can impact this power, yes you can transfer this power. If the power is transferred to your body do you have a character to keep it ?
Unless you change your character and  have a new habit you give the normal food which is fruit of the spirit(Galatians 5:22) not fruit of flesh. If you want to become God's person you must follow his process.
Now you agree with me with what you're going through now because GOD is busy build character. Because without character whatever you achieve you may likely lose it all. That's why God is busy building character that character will help you to sustain the challenges of the time.

If you don't get the character now whatever you achieve from God you may likely lose it all.
Character is a tonic,is the oil in the lamp.
 whatever you achieving i mean that flame the light that is burning but oil in the lamp is character and if there is no oil in the lamp ,it will off.

If there is no character anointing will off,If there is no character glory,popularity, all Gods blessing will off because the oil is dry"empty" that is character.
 When the oil is gradually dry, you see the kind of dim light which you will not be able to identify anything with that dim life. This is the life of many of us today. Your proceeds is not enough is causing you trouble. What is not done well its not done at all. They  are give you name. You don't know what to do again because what you have is not enough. Is no longer enough because the oil is dry.

In the situation where you become so great without God's character , it means the end is going to be bad. It may not be middle way, but the end of that journey is going to be very very bad. So when you see someone who is great without God's character  don't don't fancy him. Don't, don't, don't even pray to be like him. Don't admire him. Pray for him because the end is the owner, not beginner. We start running but the end there we declare winner. Not here at begin , not midway but  at the end.

So the beginner is not the owner but the finisher. So whatever you become now is too soon to relax and think you have arrived  because it is the end that will put your record straight.
The middle way and the beginning cannot bring any record about you. It is record off record. Middle way beginning off record. But the end that is what we put record straight now. It is not too late now to reverse. You are too fast
You occupy, you achieve this, you achieve that. You have this, you have this business, you have that ministry, you have that too rich ,popular and you  own houses property all over the world. But the character is zero (0). It's better not to have those things. The character is the one that maintain whatever position you occupy.


Character - Godly character.
Truly, truly, today, there seems to be a great emphasis placed on on the flame, on the fire, on the lights, on the proceeds, the results, whether it's in ministry or your career, business, finances. 


You may read more other post such as :-


2. Testimony of Laura Wanma when the LordJesus took her to Heaven and Hell

3.Emmanuel Agyarko Divine Revelation Of Hell Fire

4.Prepare for the CHRIST Return! by Bernarda Fernandez




“………………………. lakini damu yake nitaitaka mkononi mwako.
19 Lakini ukimwonya mtu mbaya, wala yeye hauachi ubaya wake, wala njia yake mbaya, atakufa katika uovu wake; bali wewe umejiokoa roho yako.”
- Ezekieli 3: 18-19

Unapojua sasa kuvaa suruali kwa wanawake,mawigi,wiving,kubandika kope bandia,nywele bandia au kuziweka nywele dawa na kubadili asili yake,kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango,kondomu,miziki ya kidunia,muvi za kidunia hata kutumia vito(jewelery) yaani bangili, hereni, mikufu,
pete nakadhalika ni DHAMBI tena ni MACHUKIZO makubwa mbele za MUNGU.

Kama ukimuona mtu anatumia hivyo vitu na ukaacha kumwambia kuwa hivyo vitu BWANA YESU hapendi uvitumie basi damu yake iitadaiwa kwako hata kama wewe huvitumii vitu hivyo na umtakatifu bado utakuwa na damu ya mwingine mikononi mwako.

Hata kama ni mama yako,dada yako,mke wako,mchungaji, mwanakwaya au rafiki yeyote anatumia vitu hivyo wewe unatakiwa umwambie ili usidaiwe damu yake.Yeye akibisha au akikataa au akifanya vyovyote vile baada ya kumwambia hiyo haikuhusu kwasababu utakuwa umeshajitoa kudaiwa damu yake.
Na hapo damu yake itakuwa juu yake mwenyewe.Usikubali kwenda kuzimu eti tuu kwa sababu ulishindwa kumwambia mtu ukweli wa MUNGU na kubeba damu ya mwingine.

Unachopaswa Ni KUWAAMBIA na usiwe sehemu ya mabishano kwa sababu kwa kumwambia tuu utakuwa umeshajiokoa kudaiwa damu yake.

 Hata kama unaogopa tafuta njia yeyote ya kumwambia waweza kupiaga chapa(print) baadhi ya shuhuda na kumpelekea au kumuwekea video kwenye DVD au simu akasikilize shuhuda hiyo.Akibadilika au asipobadilika hilo halikuhusu bali utalolijali ni kujiondoa usidaiwe damu yake mikononi mwako kutokana na wewe kutokumwambia.
Kuwa makini sana kwa kuwa safari ya mbinguni haijali mahusihano kwa kuwa kila mtu atahukumiwa kwa uovu wake[Ezekieli 18:20].Hivyo mume anaweza kwenda mbinguni na mke kwenda kuzimu au vyovyote vile yawezekana.

Jihadhari kwakuwaambia, hata kama ni mchumba , mke ,bibi hata awe mama mkwe MWAMBIE kwa njia yeyote ile akibadilika au asipobadilika hilo halikuhusu kwa kuwa wafanya hivyo ili damu yake usidaiwe akawa kwazo kwako kuingia mbinguni.

Kumbuka: MAAMUZI NI HAPA DUNIANI, BAADA YA HAPA NI HUKUMU YA MILELE, Ukikosea ni milele na ukipatia ni milele kuwa MAKINI usidanganyike na ulimwengu huu upitao.

Asante kwa kufuatilia mafundisho haya ,pia waweza kubofya kwenye link ili kufuatilia masomo kama vile:-




4.utukufu wa MUNGU tuliopewa.


5.Hata ndoa aliyoianzisha MUNGU mwenyewe ilikuwa inasababu kubwa za kuvunjika lakini ..... ... . . . .


'Na masomo mengineyo mengi utayapata ukizidi kufuatilia.Ubarikiwe'

Shirikisha wengine na usisite kutoa maoni yako......


Eudoxia Varga Testimony of Heaven and Hell

This is the testimony of a Hungarian sister in Christ, named Euodoxia Varga (known as Varga Tamรกsnรฉ Eudoxia in Hungarian), regarding her experience in heaven and hell.

Eudoxia and Tamรกs Varga

At the time of this experience, she and her husband Tamรกs (Hungarian for Thomas) attended the Faith Church (Hit Gyulekezet) in Nyรญregyhรกza, Hungary. After this experience, her pastor Zoltรกn, accompanied by other elders of that church, interviewed her on video, which has been posted on Youtube. However, it is uncertain whether she and her husband still attend that church. The following article is based on that video interview with her pastor.


Euodoxia’s husband Tamรกs testified that before his wife had the experience in heaven and hell, he had gone out to woods, seeking the Lord. Then they attended a Communion meeting at their church. There the pastor prayed for both of them and then they had a breakthrough afterward. Then the Lord told them separately that they had moved to another level. God’s power and presence came over him so lovingly and powerfully that it pushed him to the floor.

 The Lord took something out of him and he could see God more effectively. He began an intercessory prayer ministry. He changed his life in order to pray more. The Lord’s love was flowing down upon him so great like raindrops. It reshaped him. He became a God-dependent creature -- a God-seeking creature. Since then he doesn’t find pleasure in anything but seeking God. He spends a minimum three to four hours a day with God and needs it in order to have a peaceful relationship with God.


The Lord spoke to Euxodia his wife as he was in the woods praising God and she was washing dishes praying.

The Lord came to her and said, “Do you know your husband does a dangerous thing?” She asked, “What Lord?”  The Lord replied, “He worships me in Spirit and Truth and let’s me do anything in his life.”


She saw that he was working two jobs and praying at night with very little sleep. They had been Christians a long time but had been hypocrites. However, now she saw that he had really changed. She wanted what he had. She saw the change, the love, the fire, and she became jealous. She asked him what it was. He said he wanted to see God’s face and be the lover of God and be at His feet.


Eudoxia said it all started on April 15th during the night. Her body was sleeping but her spirit was awake. She felt the Lord was taking away things and imparting things to her. She was like a car in a garage that the Lord was working on.

Then they attended a Communion meeting and a guy named Istvan (Hungarian for Steven) said when he saw them, “Here come the saints, the holy people.” She became sad. They had just had an argument with children. But it was the Lord speaking through him.

During communion, she said she was fed up with her previous life. She did not want to sit there in church anymore, and then go home in the same spiritual state. For seventeen years, she was crying before the Lord about this. But now she could not go on any longer. She had always watched when someone repented and she couldn’t understand it. She would weep. But now at that communion service, she decided she would not live that way anymore.

When she took the Body of Christ, the power of God flowed onto her. Since that moment she has become a new creature.Next day a brother called her to say her mom died. She began to cry out for God to resurrect her so that she would have a chance to repent.

At that time her husband was with the pastor working for him and the pastor called her. His words gave her comfort. She wiped her tears and forgave her mother for literally torturing her. She was never angry with her mother, but had forgiveness for her and loved her.

So as she was washing dishes and praying, she was fed up with life and wanted God. She wanted a relationship, to be as one with God, to die for Him. She went to prayer closet, shut door, laid on floor, told God her whole life was a lie (which was partly true), and all that had been and would be she gave to Him. She died for him. She said, “If you like it, please take it.”

The last of those words she said in a moan, because she was weakening. And as she lay on the floor, her clavicle bones were not touching floor. But when those bones collapsed (and touched the floor), she felt she literally died to self and the Lord accepted it.

There was no selfishness. She saw the altar in a vision; many people were on it. But the Lord could not accept their lives because they wanted to serve Him for selfish reasons. He can take your life if you give one hundred percent. If there is one string where you say, “I want this or that from you, or this or that business, or this wife,” then He can’t take your life.


She says, “At this point, my whole life was changed.” Her relationship with her children improved. God had her praying for other Christians. Although her husband was working a lot and only sleeping a few hours sleep, he wasn’t even tired. The Lord made him and her His lovers. She says, “The spiritual realm is more real than this life. God is no respecter of persons. If you open up your heart, He will come in and have a feast with you. But you have to lose your ego and self-seeking.”


The Lord told her that people come into the Church and don’t want to seek Him. They only want to tell the Lord what they need from Him. The Lord will tear down all strongholds in our lives and rebuild us a holy temple.


Then the revelation of heaven began on July 12th. They went to a prayer meeting at someone’s house, where the Lord told them to cry out for His people. She felt a great sorrow within her. She did not know many things about that church, because she did not belong to it. Then her spiritual eyes became opened. There were beautiful angels in pure holiness and glory. They were flying straight down from heaven, because straight away is God’s divine order. The angels fly straight. In everything the straight way is God’s way. There are angels in highness praising God. She told her husband to bring her to the forest, because she thought she was going crazy since she had seen such things.


The prayer group leader named Imre (Hungarian form of Henry, pronounced: EEM-re) had to pray for a sick man. She saw angles and demons. The man had a backache. She saw a great, green (snot-colored) evil creature. Then she learned it was a demon. She can now differentiate between a satan whore’s son (bastard) and a demon.

It was about four feet tall. It was clawing at his back. The man said his back hurt so much. And this creature was cursing. When they start to curse humans or God, the dirt from their mouths is different from the curse itself. It was black. Imre started to use Jesus’ name and it was wonderful.

She saw light and it pulled this creature off this man’s back. The light was Jesus’ Blood. Something like a snake or snail came from the creature’s mouth, and a variety of other things came out, which were also demons. She was shocked and told Tamรกs that they should go to the forest. They went out and she told him everything. The Spirit filled them up. She did not fear these creatures.


If anyone walks in hell without Jesus, he would go crazy. He would not stay normal. Without Jesus’ blood it is impossible to walk in hell. She was first prepared in heaven to have strength for the journey to hell. She didn’t feel any torture, except at her earthly father’s cell in hell.


The next day, on July 13, all seven of the family (she, Tamรกs, and children) were altogether, totally in one accord. It is only possibly to have vision when we’re in one accord and we have a loving spirit for one another. To give your life for others isn’t just to say “Hi,” but to be willing to give your life for them. It’s more than merely welcoming that person. This kind of love is not seen in the church.


On July 13th they sought the Lord for 5 hours as a family. None of the four dogs were barking during that time. One of her children, Krisztofer experienced a visit to hell, when she was in heaven, the Holy Spirit went through them all, loved them, and healed them. While she had this experience, her family also had a lot of experiences of their own.


There was not even a car passing by during that entire time. None of the chickens or other animals made any noise. They started to praise God as a family, and her eyes opened. She didn’t see as many angels as the day before, but still hosts of them flying down, praising and exalting the Lord; they were in unity and love for one another. One angel flew down for one another. One angel flew down to her because she was staring at him. That angel said, “Straight is the divine order.” Then she collapsed and something from her upper belly was torn out, which was her spirit. She felt that an angel who had very soft wings was behind her.

She felt a great safety. It was very soft. He covered her with his wings, and when he opened them she was in heaven. She used to think if she went to heaven, she would want to take a tour. But she found that when she met the King she only wanted to adore Him. She asked, “Where are you, Lord?” She heard His steps, which were true peace. He came near her and she felt like a dead body in front of Him.

She heard Him coming, and the grace, the mercy, was flowing out of His wounds. Mercy, grace and love are visible in heaven as light—it’s real. Things like holiness and glory are not just words. They are visible. He came to her and she saw Him. On his feet there are holes from which grace and mercy are flowing out. She could not look at Him and felt the grace and mercy going through her body. He touched her and she woke up. Then she was standing up.


He had a wide belt around His waist that said “King of kings and Lord of lords.” She said, “Yeshua, My King, I love you.” And as He was crying, and as she was crying, all the pain was gone from her heart. She never wept like that again afterward. With the tears, every pain was gone from her heart. He saw through her love. He was shining, glimmering, dressed in holiness. He is love. Life is flowing out from every part of Him -- the grace, the mercy, the out-flowing love. He just wants to love me. He wants to care for me.


Jesus said, “Come, daughter, because I have a lot of things to show you. Your job from God is to serve Him.” He was smiling at her and said He is near to the brokenhearted. Everything He says is with authority. He knew everything about her. He is the Word of God. He is the Truth.

He said, There is salvation only in My Name—the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. They must confess I came and died and rose again and I am the Christ in flesh. Only believing in heaven and hoping to go there will not take you there.”

He brought her to a table that was already set. She didn’t really look around because she always looked at Him, admired Him and loved Him. She told Him, “I know a lot of people are gathering treasures in heaven, but I only want to see you.” Everyone will be near Jesus at the table. It was long. The tablecloth was ornamental.

 It was embroidered with ornaments. There were plates and something like “cups.” She saw other creatures in heaven that are not on earth. It was so beautiful. He started to speak about the faults or blames in the Church. “The Church is late. It is building a self-Kingdom. It wants to make heaven on earth. The children of God are killing each other, because they are gossiping about others and because of their sinful thoughts. If you go to give someone a blessing, make sure there is love in your heart.”


He said there would be two (2) stumbling stones in the Church.

1)     Brothers hate each other. They prevent each other from being successful by their words, thoughts, and actions. That’s what He meant by murder and that the Church was late and had not clothed itself with the dress of holiness and glory that He gave them.

 2) Although they are brethren, they let their children instead of giving thanksgiving sacrifices to the Lord, they are lusting with Baal in my sanctuary.”

The Lord showed her how she and her husband must love each other. There must not even be one little gap of unforgiveness or they cannot be one, or thinking of how he or she looks like, because that leaves an opening where the demons can get a spear into you.


Eudoxia’s Testimony of Heaven and Hell

The Lord said, “The women must be gentle and praying.” He was speaking with such truth for my personal life, too, and I could not be angry with him, because I know that this is the truth and the King of Truth said this. He said that we must recover the true praise of God, which is said in spirit and in truth, and not saying that only ten songs and then it’s over, because although they are crying out for the fire of the Holy Spirit, their hearts are fully, or just partly closed for the fire. And He said such truth.

He decides how the meeting will go. He will decide it. They (pastors) make boundaries for it. They make orders, regarding the time elapsed (in the service). They say, “Twenty songs will be enough, but okay, I have to speak my teaching now, what the Lord wants to show you, what the Lord really knows what He wants to say.” And if He wants to come down through the praise and heal someone…but we don’t let Him do this.

We don’t open our hearts, but we are going to church to receive a business, to receive healing, to receive a woman or man. “Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me!” And they are running away. This is not praise of God. This is absolutely not. And I was ashamed. I knew it was correct for me, too. I was blinded. I was beaten with blindness, because the Lord said, “They are beaten with blindness.” And sometimes they are doing it in their own consciousness, and sometimes they are out of their consciousness. And it shocked me.


Godly Attire and Adornment

And He started to speak about women for the true praise of God. I have to say it, because I’m not afraid. The women have no right to show themselves, to put on the makeup, unnatural hair color, tight dresses, because a lot of godly men’s attentions are drawn away by them. And they have no right to do this, because the men should praise God.

And they wouldn’t have come to a meeting to look at their makeup or something like that, or (to see) their dresses. Since then, I burnt all my clothes that were like that. And I am not willing to wear some of these clothes. And I had to say this, and the Lord Jesus told me how it has come about -- I mean the dressing. We have to live with the good tree, good fruit (a parable). And we have to look at the roots of it.


For example, a joke is a very good thing. We are laughing at it, but the laugh, what comes from the laugh, sometimes they are using racism. They are using bad things to make fun of. But it is written that blessed is that man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. So this is a bad fruit. However, it looks great, it looks like a good tree.


Or for example, where the makeup comes from. I’m talking about—I hope I don’t judge anyone—but I am talking about these strong mascaras. It’s from Cleopatra, but even before that. When the women realized that they could hold man with this mascara, it’s like a mask. They got governors with this. They get them through their own desires—I mean the men’s desires. And the women got power and authority through this. And through this authority, she could do anything she wanted.


I’m talking about strong mascaras. Young ladies wear these mascaras, but she’s a weak soul behind it. She’s trying to cover something. It’s not good for them, but the Lord will — I pray that He will bless them and keep them. I used to wear makeup, but I don’t use them anymore, because these are sins. Even the shoes are (can be) sins.

 These high-heeled shoes had their own purpose back in time in China, to raise the (feminine) body parts to be more attractive. And prostitutes started it. So these are bad things. You can have beautiful shoes if you want to, but a lot of men said that it’s really tempting. I used to wear these kinds of shoes, and it was a problem to me, too.

I felt that it was a sin and I still did it. This means I was beaten with blindness. That’s why it’s important to open up our hearts, and this is what the Lord can’t do for us -- to open up our hearts.

I saw the empty cells. And the Lord led me there. And sometimes, names were appearing on them. Sometimes they disappeared. And He said that this is what happens if they won’t repent, if they are not clinging to My Name. I saw horrible things, but I will tell it for everyone to be afraid. I don’t want to think about it, because I will cry, and then Jesus and everything that He said, even these rebukes, He said it with love.

 He wasn’t hitting my head with the Scriptures, but with love. He wasn’t legalistic, but He was telling this with love. And when we approach each other in this way, the other one will be put to shame, just as I was when Istvan came to me and said, “Here comes the holy family.” And I also said that “Please don’t say that we are holy, because we are not.” And I was ashamed. And when (pastor) Zoltรกn came and said a very good thing about us, I knew it was not true. And then I humiliated myself. And this is the good, because inside of us, we judge our truth, we judge the truth in ourselves. I humiliated myself.


It’s good that we judge ourselves that, “Yes, I’m a dirty, bad person.” And every small sin can separate you from God. I saw how He loved His people. He’s just longing to hug them. He burns with a jealous love. He loves His people so much, but this dirt—this is what separates you from God. He loves us, but our sins. He can only be praised in holiness. There’s no other way.

The Banquet Table Set in Heaven

Then we were back at the table that was set. There was a pitcher full of wine. He was pouring it into a mug, and it was very thick. This wine was like a ruby. It’s like it was a fluid, but ruby. As he poured this wine into a mug, he illustrated that “I have set this table for My people.” He said, “It’s all ready, but My people are procrastinating. The Church is making an inner world.” This is what I can’t even explain. I don’t understand. An inner world.


And then later, there was a wonderful thing. Two angels arrived who had golden staffs on their shoulders. And they brought a very large cluster of grapes, which was golden. As I saw this cluster, it was 100 to 150 centimeters wide. The grapes themselves were as big as an apple. Everything is different from here, even the materials—everything. I think there is no oxygen, because the Lord Himself is oxygen.

This is what I experienced. The life is the air I breathe. This is what I experienced. Then these two angels brought the golden grapes with joy and smiles on their faces. Every angel I saw was just full of joy and smiling, and the Lord just loved His angels. He went to them and hugged them. And this was an example for us, because we just walk by each other.

He loved them. He hugged them. He was speaking to them and caring for them. And somehow, these two angels put this cluster of grapes on the table. And it was interesting when they set “this cluster of grapes of the table”, because after they did so, nothing was broken. Then He said, “I know your husband’s favorite fruit is the grape. So I planted grapes for him, and this is its first fruit.” I was just looking at it, and I was thinking, “It’s beautiful.” I was amazed, but I didn’t eat anything from it.


A Picture of War in This World

And as the angels came and Jesus welcomed them, He thanked them with humility for bringing the grapes. He was absolutely humble like He was the servant of all creatures. So He loved them very much. And we went on our way, and as we were walking on the street, a [video] screen went by. And I saw that it was a picture of the world. I saw that it was a part of the world, and there was a riot there or something like that, or a war. And there were bombs blowing up. And the car was flipped upside-down and on fire and smoking.

 I saw a little boy standing on the street corner who had lost his family.He was dirty all over. He was crying. I just knew that his mother had just died that day. I just knew when I looked at him. I was truly amazed. And then Jesus said—and He was weeping, too that “Today He will be with me in heaven.” And I was looking at Him, and I just know.

There came a black car up to this small boy. And a man, who I saw in my spirit was evil, grabbed the boy and pulled him into the car. And I never saw him again, and the Lord said to me, “He will be with me in heaven today.”

We don’t watch television or anything, so we don’t know anything about the outside world. But [after my revelation of heaven] I told my husband to watch the news that night. So when he watched the news, he found out that the day before, there was a riot in India in a town, and a lot of people were murdered. I was really amazed.



Thrones and Robes

And then we went on, and the royal thrones and everyone will have a crown. It’s full of treasures, diamonds, etc. And each person’s name was engraved on a business card of his or her own -- personally, for each and every one of us. And over the back of each throne, the Lord -- not the angels -- laid the robes of righteousness for each person. It was there, and I knew that He Himself did it with His own hands. He didn’t toss it there, but with love He laid it on each throne. I knew that Jesus caressed the clothes with love when He put them there. And I knew it when I saw these clothes.


Moses and Abraham in a Beautiful Garden

I saw a beautiful garden far away when I went there, but I didn’t go there. The Lord didn’t let me. There was a space in the middle, and Moses and Abraham were speaking to each other with gestures. And what amazed me was that Jesus didn’t say, “This is Abraham and Moses.” I just knew it was they. There’s no wasting of words.

You know everything about each other. You know people’s names. And I saw that they are young, and I was shocked, because it is written that they are elders. It’s true, but it’s in wisdom that they are elders. And they are elders, they are wise and in authority. They are clothed in these things. It’s visible upon them, as on the lieutenant angels, because I saw upon them the lieutenant angels that there is a different authority on them. There it’s visible, and the authority is upon them and also power.


Abraham and Moses were laughing so hard, and I saw joy on every face. Their faces are shining, and their hair is so shiny, like it’s been washed in oil. Everyone is so beautiful there. It’s like everything is holy there. The material is different. The most beautiful person on earth cannot be as beautiful as anyone in heaven.


The Body Parts Warehouse in Heaven

So it’s very interesting that we went on, and there was a gate ahead of us, and Jesus was waving His hand toward it, and the gate was opened from far away. So He opened it by authority. For Him, everything opens.

In that building, there were a lot of vessels, but they were not ornamental. They were just—beautiful. In that building -- now I never saw a horror movie, except when I was a child; I only saw half of it -- but in that building, there were body parts -- legs, arms, inner organs, eyes.


Then we went on, and He grabbed a leg and an arm, and He started to cry. And I knew that it was mine. And He said, “Do you know why you couldn’t have these? Because of self-pity, because you love to feel sorry for yourself instead of coming to Me and grabbing these.” And I started to cry, too, and He put them back with great care, and He said, “Many people cannot get their healing because of self-pity, because they love to feel sorry for themselves more than...[and] they love to tell each other these things," (how much it aches, etc). But now I can get healing, because I have this arm and this leg. I saw them.


David Dancing in Heaven

And this is one of my favorite parts, because I’m the kind of person--and Zoltรกn knows it--which has suffered a lot. I went through torture, I was in great hunger, I was cold, I was begging. So I’ve been through a lot of bad things in my life. But the Lord saved me, and my great help was David’s psalms. When I was a child and I was kicked out of home and I had to hide in forests to sleep, I had to wash off the blood off of me in a little river. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night. You can’t be afraid of these things. It doesn’t say, “Don’t be afraid”. It says, “You can’t do that. You’re not allowed to do it.” And this was the only verse I had from the Bible throughout my young ages.


And Jesus told me, “I know how you love my servant David. I will show him to you.” And David was in a beautiful, white space—or square. It was white and holy, too -- beautiful. And I was not allowed to speak to him. And he praised God with all of his praise. He was twisting and dancing, and from every part of him, the praise was just flying up to the Lord. He had a cloth, like a scarf, and it was this big, and it was white and holy, and it had writing on it.

Every part of him, every cell, was in praise to the Lord. I wanted to praise the Lord with him, but the Lord didn’t let me. And Jesus didn’t speak to me like, “Come with Me.” He spoke like, “Come with Me, My dear daughter. Please let me.” When I was crying and I said, “I won’t come. I won’t come with You,” He said, “Please, let me.” He was asking, not commanding.

 He never commanded, except when He spoke about the faults in the Church. He was very serious about that. He was sorrowful. He feels sorry for the brethren. This is what the Lord does.

I felt in my heart that He was in great sorrow and it was horrible to feel it. And it was so bad to feel it. The problem isn’t that the time hasn’t come. It’s that the Church is late. We ourselves are obstacles.


The Horses in Heaven

Then we moved along, and we went on, and we went on, and we went on. And there were standing the horses. And I have to admit, I’m not a theological expert, and I never asked Jesus to show these horses to me. And I don’t even know a lot of things from the Book of Revelation.

However, the Lord commanded me to check everything according to the Bible, “Because My Word is Myself,” said the Lord. “And My Word is Truth, and I am the Word. I am the Truth.” And I saw as they were standing there that there was black, yellow, and white horse. A black, a yellow, and a white horse. They’re not like horses from here. They are pumped up with muscles, and they have authority in them—whatever was given to them.

 The yellow and the black one were tied up. They couldn’t move. They were rearing up on their hind legs and doing this with their front legs. And the chains that tied them were full of power, strength. And there were two angels—I don’t know if they were angels or cherubim cause the horses were so huge-- but they kept them tied up. And they were rearing like that before. The white one was beautiful, and he was there next to them. They were beautiful, but the white one was shining.


A Flaming Ball in Her Mouth

There was an angel that came to me and said to open my mouth, and I did it. And he put a flaming ball into my mouth, which was flaming. At that time, I started to scream aloud, because it was flaming and it started to hurt me. He said, “You’re disingenuousness or your double-fadedness has left you” And I found it in the Scriptures, too.


There’s a Scripture in Isaiah about this. And this angel did it to me twice. It was a flaming ball, and after I came back, I felt this for a whole day. I was checking in the mirror to see if I could see anything, but it didn’t. Let me correct myself. It was actually a pain that I had for a week, and it was a spiritual pain.

I had a very bad tongue, and when I became angry, I said things I didn’t want to say, but I said them, and after this experience, I didn’t do that anymore. My husband and children are also witnesses of this miracle. Whenever they make me angry -- but my children are not even the same any more -- I cannot say bad things; I can only bless. So I became very different.

The Children in Heaven

Then there I saw children in heaven. They were all wearing white clothes. They were from three years old to ten, maybe. They were sitting on chairs, and for every one of them there was an angel assigned. Like the angels would teach them or I’m not sure of it. But this is my idea, because they were explaining something to them.These angels were loving them and caring for them. And Jesus went to a little girl who had shoulder-length hair, and it was also shiny as if it had been oiled.

There at that place, the love was more concentrated and focused. In this way, He cared for the children, and it was so beautiful I didn’t want to go from that place. I said, “I won’t go away from this place,” because they were giggling and smiling. And then Jesus went there and He whispered something into this little girl’s ear. And she started to laugh from her heart. And He loved them and kissed them and cared for them, not as we love our children, but He loved them more.


When I saw the angels and how they loved our children—they were fantastic. They’re not just standing there next to us. They’re loving us, caring for us, and hugging us. It’s the same with the Holy Spirit when we’re frustrated and we ask Him to come. He doesn’t just come and stand next to us and say, “Everything’s okay. You don’t have to worry.” He loves us and hugs us and cares for us.


Recognizing the Poor and Helping Them

The Lord said, “I don’t show partiality.” But if each person has a stronghold in himself, what’s it going to look like, what’s it going to feel like. Then he won’t be able to see it. I didn’t have any imagination about God, because I never knew what it really meant. I was only a spectator at church to-- it’s because how I was growing up. Because I knew that if I have said that, I would have been forsaken. But the Lord was good for me, because He always sent one to help me. We asked a woman, who has been happy toward me, whether she knew that what had been happening in my life, and she said that she knew. And everyone knows what happened in my life before and they haven’t even helped me.

They didn’t want to realize the injuries on my body. They didn’t want to realize I went out with bloody hands and injuries outside the door. Everyone closed his eyes. They didn’t want to realize when I was begging. We must realize the poor people and help them.

If we see someone in a great pain, we must help them and love them. We must love each other with a true love. If we won’t love each other in this way, the Lord will never come back. The Lord won’t come back until we love each other this way. We can pray for fire, etc., but He won’t come until we open up our hearts to each other—because we are afraid to reveal our hearts to each other, what’s really in them.


Repenting on Your Face before God

I mean the worst that can happen if people see what’s in our heart is we need to repent for that. I even go in front of the church and repent, not only for myself, but [also] for my family. And Jesus said it’s important not just to repent at church, but at home also. And even to get down on your face before God when you repent, and bow before Him.

 I mean, not bow, but lay prostrate before Him, because the Lord told me this the only acceptable way in front of the Lord to repent. We are not just bowing our heads before the Great God. We have to lay down before Him. It’s important that when we repent, we don’t just, like at church, sit in our seats just bow our head.

But we go up front and take the most humble position and lay before the Lord to repent. We have to lay our lives down before Him and say, “I don’t care if anyone kills me or what happens to me. I don’t care about anything else—what will happen to me.” And the Holy Spirit gave me prayer topics to pray for, because when I was in heaven, I didn’t care for anything that was on earth. This love is what the Lord Jesus was teaching about. Every word of His is true. We have to learn how to love as the apostle Paul did.


Archangels Michael and Gabriel

Then we went on from the children. Jesus had been begging to me, “Please, come, My daughter.” Every time He started begging, I could move on. Then He begged for me, “Come, little child. Come. Let Me. Please come.” And then whenever He begged, I could move on. And then He led me on to see Michael and Gabriel, lieutenant angels, who were clothed in authority and power.


 These are lieutenant angels. This is how Jesus said it to me: “They are lieutenant angels.” I don’t know if it was that I was not allowed to, but I could not hear them. And Jesus didn’t just hug them. He went right in the middle of the two of them and put His arms around both of them. So this is the way Jesus loved them, and He spoke with them, and as He did, they made expressions with their faces that showed wonder and amazement that something big is going to happen. Something has started, and they were very happy because of it.


Jesus was serving them, and they were serving the Lord. So it was in the reverse as well, and this is what I saw in heaven is that everyone was serving each other. It’s wonderful. It’s different. I cannot explain it. I want you to be there, too, to see it. But you can see it, because Jesus said, “I’m not partial.” Everyone can see it. Of course, heaven is not a tourist destination, because seeing heaven has its purpose.


Near to the Brokenhearted

I wasn’t taken back there after this, because it had its purpose. It was to say to me, “I have made you, I have formed you in your mother’s womb, and I have brought you out of your mother’s womb.” Just looking at Him that, “Lord, how could I serve you when I had only a low grade in my class? How could I?” But He said that He’s near to the brokenhearted. It’s very wonderful. And here comes the best part. It’s possible that you’re going to be offended, but I am not afraid. The Lord is with me, and His Blood is over me.


The Father's House

And then He led me to a beautiful place, a wonderful place where the love was more concentrated and the holiness was more focused, even more than in other places in heaven. I cannot explain it, but this is how I can say it because, like Jesus was Himself Who is really Himself, is Jesus was in His own environment. So where we stood, there were white steps. There was a stairway, and it was the Holy of holies, the Father Himself. It was the Father’s House.


Then He said, “Come.” And I could go beside Jesus. And it was very important that I didn’t understand it. But you can only go to the Holy of holiness with Jesus. And it is also written in the Scripture. Then I went in. And above the sanctuary, there were holy clouds, which were, like, crocheted. And it was like a living furnace. So the clouds were like crocheted, so it was alive and it was permanent.

 But when we entered, there were holy bowls. And as we walked in, there was writing on the walls in golden letters. And I knew it was Jewish, because once when I was a child, I saw in the book how Jewish people write downwards. And as I walked, there were, like, pulpits, not like pulpits, because there bigger ones, there were smaller ones, and there were holy ones. It was pure gold, and there were no jewels on it. And on these pulpits, there were golden scrolls. These papers were white and they were holy. Its color was holiness. It was full of writings on it, and I couldn’t look into it, because if I did, I would die. But He allowed me to know it. But I didn’t count how many scrolls were there. And we moved on.

But then the fear of the Lord just came upon me. I thought I would die immediately. But Jesus was with me, and I grabbed His hand so strong, I was amazed that I didn’t break His arm. If it were a man’s hand, I would have broken it.


And then I met the Father, who does not kill you. I knew He was on top of that stairway in the cloud, in the fire, in the thunder—that, there is the Father. And I knew that there was the Creator. And I felt that I was not going to Him, but it was His love that was drawing me to Him.


I cannot explain it that when I looked to the left side, there was a fountain from which the Blood was always flowing. And I never read this before, but it was the saints’ blood. It always shouts out, “When will you avenge us?”  This was crying, crying out. This is thick blood. I know this is not new for you, because you read it before. But I found a lot of things after this experience that are in the Bible. And it was crying out. And when I was looking at the right side, there was the Blood of Jesus. And I knew that the Father looks at us through this Blood.

There it was because He died for us. And when I looked into the Blood, I could see Him for a moment, as He was when He was hanging on the cross. And He was not like in the films, in the movies. He was totally beaten. There were parts of His body that were torn out. What really stuck with me was how on His face, where His beard would be, the flesh was ripped out. And the Blood over His face was dried up and it was black. His lips were parched. Both His eyes were swollen, which I never saw in the movies that they were swollen. And I knew that as He was crying out, He was crying out for the Father.


It was so horrible and I was constantly just crying out, “I’m sorry! It was because of me!” And I said, “Sorry. Sorry.” And He didn’t say anything. What I only felt was that He loves me and the Father loves me, too. And He doesn’t condemn me. And this love changed me so much that I can’t explain. And the Father didn’t say, “See, this is My Son.” But His love. He loves me so that I can change and be near Him. It was so wonderful. It was fantastic.


I didn’t think about it, but an angel came to me. One angel, from the top of my head to the toes of my feet clothed me in holy clothing that had been laid over the thrones of the righteous. The other angel went to the Blood of Jesus and dipped his hand into the Blood. Then he sprinkled this Blood over me. Not just a light sprinkling on one area, but all over my body. And when I realized that, I thought that I would stay there.


The Pit of Hell

Then, we arrived at the pit of hell. It was horrible. I started to shout, “Lord, no! No!” I also said at the set table that, “No, I don’t want this to be my job to tell about this,” because I knew they would kick me out from the church and out of all relationships. It’s possible I would even be stoned to death. And I also started to shout, “Lord, I don’t want to go down!” But the Lord told me, “It must be done, and I will be with you throughout the whole process.” And I even know that the Lord, a lot of times, He was invisible to the demons there. And I knew that sometimes, they were only watching me, and other times, they were only watching Jesus, because one time, there was a demon that cried out, “Lord, why did you come? To destroy us before the time? To wipe us out?”


At the council chamber, He also made Himself invisible to them—into a holy fire, I saw. And the Lord was flaming violently. He was very furious. Then we started to go down through the hole, and this hole was enormous. And the Lord said that there was a stairway leading down, but they don’t use it anymore because so many souls are going down that it became this wide. All around this tunnel, there were jagged rocks protruding. Everything is absolutely the reverse of the heavenly. Where there is grace in heaven, there is mercilessness in hell.

I saw so much mercilessness in hell. I haven’t seen any horror movies here before, but there were monsters. And even on the jagged rocks they were standing. Even the grime was constantly coming out of their mouths. There were small ones, little bigger ones, tall ones. They were mixture of animal bodies, they had fur. I saw dinosaurs down there, which were terrifying. My children had dinosaur toys, but we tossed them all out.

In demons and monsters, there is no symmetry, meaning in their bodies. In every way, they are totally deformed. These are constantly cursing. And those curses I could never speak on earth, only down there. This was horrible.


We were descending. At first, Jesus showed me Abraham’s Bosom, which was (she points to the left and says, “That way.”) Then I saw that place which was totally dried up but it was not brownish. Like here when the leaves come down, they turn brownish. It was not brown, but it was gray. It was gray, and between Abraham’s Bosom and hell, there was a bottomless pit. And when we descended, we went into hell. And there I saw something that I have no spiritual commentary about this. And I didn’t want to tell you this, but the Lord told me to say this, that on the rock, there was an old lady sitting there. Her hair was white. She was mumbling—I don’t know what she said and I don’t even care. But on her forehead there was “666” and she was waiting for something. She was waiting for something, and I don’t know what it is.


The pit is horrible. There’s no oxygen, no water. There’s no sign of any life. Every rock is black. The cells aren’t even just cells. But in the cells there are rocks jutting up from them. There’s no room for sitting in the cell. So there’s no place for resting or relaxing there in hell. So from this point on, I asked those who are strong to listen, because these are horrible things. Because there were parts where Jesus showed me these porn movies are made.

So this is horrible. And how they speak about the people of the Lord.  There was -- and I don’t want to offend anyone -- but there was a pastor He showed me, who stole the church’s money and he went for vacations with this money. There was another pastor. They were constantly crying and screaming, and they tried to remind Jesus of their good works from their earthly life. But when we passed on, they started to curse Jesus, which truly terrified me.


Everyone was crying out for mercy. And there was such a thick noise. I think everyone is gone crazy there. They’re gone crazy there! You can’t bear it in your right mind. This is why Jesus told me three days ago, “If you had gone through on your own, you would have become crazy.” And it’s very interesting that I don’t have nightmares or anything. But when I had to write it down, it was very hard.


There was another pastor who had two other lovers besides his wife. And from these women, he had children. And it was so shocking that they knew the Word of God, and they still committed sin. And I cannot understand it that how is it possible?


And there was a drunkard in another cell, who was tortured in such a way. But before that, I will tell you what is the minimum torture in hell. The fire is burning all over, but as we descended further, the flames were higher. And there was sulfur. And there was a harlot where a demon grabbed some burning sulfur and went to her and rubbed it on her upper arm. She was screaming. There are other places where there are no rocks standing in the cells.


There are cells where there are really a lot of rocks. It depends on how many sins the person committed -- the demons are torturing them more. And they remind them even of the secret thoughts of their mind. And it was horrible. The drunkard was always beating his family, demon brought a black screen. This guy had to see how his family and his children were afraid of him—how they hid in the kitchen, and how his children had to watch him beat his wife.

He had to re-live it himself. They’re not just torturing them, but reminding them and creating the same hurts in them that they created in others on earth. Those had the greatest punishment who were adulterers, who made themselves gods, and those who adored others as gods. These have, and those who knew the truth and led other people into sin. Or even know the truth, but they take no care about it. Like that pastor before. They didn’t repent from their hearts.


There was a harlot, and I think she was Hungarian. This is my opinion, but I can’t say for sure. She was very young and the Lord Jesus said that her own mother made her a prostitute. She was on the streets, and someone told her the Gospel twice. But she ignored it. This is how Jesus said they ignored it. She ignored that the truth was, she was living in filth.


And there was a guy whose tongue was constantly cut off. I couldn’t even understand it. The minimum is that down there in the snot, these big worms this big are squirming (she holds her fingers out in front of her to indicate about twelve inches long). And what I realized was actually this big (she indicates about three feet long). It was a worm, but it was black. It was black and green, and like a snot. And from it, the snot was always coming out. And its fangs were like a saw. They were sharp. And with its tongue, it ravaged the person. And its eyes are even devilish.


I haven’t seen anything more like a dinosaur here on earth as I did in hell. You can’t even exaggerate it.

There was man totally polluted with lust. He was completely under this snot. There were so many different kinds of bugs on him, he was screaming horribly. The minimum is that the demons were constantly stabbing them with spears. So this is the minimum.


Some people had worms all over their faces, and I can’t explain it. They were not white down there (she indicates that they’re about four inches long). There’s no white there. I know that it was white, but there’s no white there. And the fire is, like, it burns, but it doesn’t consume the people.


So this is eternal suffering there. It’s unspeakable. And they even know your thoughts. And I once saw the two spiritual ways. The Lord even said that he who is not with the Lord looks like (in the spiritual way) he’s going to hell. And it seems they are tied up with chains. And they were hunched over, and on their back, they’re carrying this big bag—or load—of sin which is steaming with black steam from the sin.


They went along and they didn’t even see anything. They didn’t see anything; they only felt the burden of the sin. And they didn’t see where they are going. They were beaten with blindness. They didn’t see. It was horrible. It was horrible.

Jesus was crying a lot. It was very interesting as He was looking at the soul which was in torment. He knew the point at which the person’s life had ended. (By that, she means the point when the person made the last decision). Jesus knew. And He didn’t say, “Okay, they deserved it.” He was crying, and He was groaning also. And it was horrible. And there were some that He said, “I never knew you.” Some were begging, but the Lord said to them, “I never knew you.” It was horrible to see.


After this, Jesus turned away from them. And while we were there, Jesus fed me three times with a golden grain. It was pulled out like this (and she indicates that He’s pulling it out from, like, under His robe—under His arm. And it’s long. And I had to eat it with its stem.


My family said to me that my collapsed body at that time (she turns to her husband and he states that her face was radiating. “It was shining. She became different as she got strength.”). That was only way I could go on. Sometimes I collapsed in hell. I cried. It is unspeakable when you see that everywhere there are cells. There is torment everywhere. There are demons, filth, snot all over the place. The fire is burning, there’s no air to breathe. There is no sign of life there. You can become crazed if you’re not with the Lord. The fear of the Lord just came upon me so powerfully that even one little lie, one little thought must not separate me from the Lord.


Her Earthly Father's Cell in Hell

I don’t know when He led me to my father’s cell. I went nearer and nearer to the Lord Jesus, because I knew if I want to live, I have to be nearest to Him. The only Rock is Jesus, and I can only cling to His Name. He’s the only one Who can help me. There cannot be any false stronghold in your life. The greatest deception of the devil is hypocrisy, saying, “Oh, that doesn’t really matter.”


Jesus also told me about the demonic pollution, what the signs of it are. And I wrote down what are the signs of the fire of the Holy Spirit.


I saw a lot of adulterers there. There was blonde woman there whose ankle was constantly being cut. They tortured her in this way, too, because she grabbed men with her ankle. This is the way she was enchanting them. So this is very important for women that they have no right to wear tight dresses, so much makeup, walking seductively, giggling. Jesus said that this word actually means more than giggling (the word they used in Hungarian for that).

 It means basically laughing loudly to try to get men’s attention. So it is not true to say that if you giggle that you’re going to hell for it, but if you smile to attract men that is a sin. Men should not be attracted to you but worship GOD.


Then the Lord went with Tamas (Eudoxia's husband)

Tamas: The Lord told me to start praying because iam going to see terrible things. I saw different things.

Eudoxia continuing: The Lord told me that he must cleanse me of all false thoughts in my life, because I love the Father.

I saw my father in hell and when I saw him I asked him "is that you?" He answered me "Eudoxia, please tell everyone because it's scary", and when he was being burned, I was screaming at him and I was very scared.I held on to the Lord because the feeling of hopelessness, endless pain, and destruction is indescribable. There is no place for hope there. You can become crazy.

Lord JESUS showed me the life of my father when he was on earth, he had two other women apart from my mother. And I told him how it was possible for my father because there was no ministry to spread your news because this church of faith has not even been established for a long time. JESUS answered me, "Who ever opens his heart and seeks ME, will find ME" I did not know but now I know that who is to sought is JESUS the greatest.


Lord JESUS showed me a friend called Edes. I remember he once said he had repented and received JESUS through the television while we were watching a program called Happy Sunday. I found this man in hell crying. I asked Lord JESUS "why is he there?" And he answered me, "He is not perfect in faith." I asked him now how can we come to heaven?, He said "The problem is not you, but someone needs to open his heart and let the Holy Spirit enter and he will work to prepare you for Heaven not by your own strength or human strength."


The Lord led me to places that were empty, but sometimes the name is written, other times the name is lost. The Lord told me that when a person repents from the heart, his name is removed from those cells and appears in heaven. The Lord said there is a lot of hypocrisy among us and I began to cry a lot in front of the Lord.

When I left there, I came to clean my house and repent more because the Lord always starts with his people. The Lord told me that the church is not ready because no matter how we take care of the servants, the church will only shine if everyone loves one another, it doesn't need many words.

Everyone should open his heart and let the Holy Spirit work in him. If the Holy Spirit walks in the Lord's house, we don't even need to talk much for people to come to the church. Many people will come to the church not by human strength but by the Spirit.


I want to tell you about the little children who are in hell. Lord JESUS said this should leave my people. The devil uses ungodly television, I saw parents sitting with their children in front of the television and the devil was ruling on a large scale and the children were very stubborn and rebellious towards their parents due to and take and imitate the things they see on television.

TOM AND JERRY CARTOONS, BARBIE. THE WINNIE THE POOH, CINDERELLA, THE SELEEPING NEAUTY, BATMAN and all kinds of "people" in those cartoons are symbols of lost salvation. That's what the Lord said, "Pokeman, Spiderman, Digimon, Benten and all cartoons that show miracles should be thrown away, that's what I did. We burned a lot of DVDs and everything.

Lord JESUS showed me that there is a power that holds children through those cartoon movies and began to find children in the devil's nets. The Lord told me that children should be taught victory, the stories in the Bible, we should focus more on the Word itself and have more goals with it.

When people see cartoons, like cartoons, they are nothing but a trap to send children to hell. The Lord emphasized me to keep them in obedience, he taught me how to raise children. The Lord said it is good to go out with the children and go to the forest with them as it teaches them and I am with them. We must to teach them what sin is so that they can judge for themselves from the Word.


The Lord told me to look up, when I looked I saw a satanic council. There were witches, false gods. They sat around the table in that council, they did not stop kissing the devil, they were doing dirty deeds, I can  say in that way.

They were drinking the blood of the saints, the blood of those who deceived them already. They were committing adultery, they were drinking everything that was horrible.

It is important to know that after the Church of Faith defeated devil, The devil sent two(2) attacks from hell. One is to separate couples (unfaithfulness in marriage), the other is to attack mammon or love money.

He will send someone with money to the church, I know he will be a young man and as a pastor he will receive a those funds by then he cannot be free. He will be owned by that person.

Lord JESUS had a burning fire, they were laughing and drinking blood. I saw that thing in the scriptures, false gods who had things like frogs coming out of their mouths. I saw everything in the scriptures. The Lord showed me everything.


There are gods that you have to be careful of, especially young women. Those gods throw their weapons in the toilets and false gods in the toilets. I saw someone was looking at himself in the mirror and said, "Oh, I'm so beautiful, oh there is no one like me," And with those spirits of dark, false thoughts entered her and she saw more and more that she had to increase her beauty in the form of more and more makeup.


There was a room we went to, there was a big bed, and I saw strange things because there was a beautiful woman who was masturbating herself. Well, I don't want to talk too much about that. But she was doing that and it's a sin, you understand.It is scary and many children are in it. He started laughing and kissing the devil and while he was laughing snakes came out of his mouth. And he went to report to the devil.

The Lord told me to warn all, the women and the famous ones who are beautiful and add more beauty to themselves that they are not always human, and you will know that especially when you die. The Lord told me, "because he is going down to take his new body and go up again."

The Lord showed me the place in hell where sex tapes are made. I was not shown the actions but I saw and knew they were doing it. They give that through dreams to those who are there in those bonds. It is scary.

And this woman who was sucking herself in bed was throwing a weapon. The Lord was telling me that there are people who don't want to do that but they find themselves doing it because they are in prison, after this woman threw a weapon at them.



In the spirit everything is visible, be careful because the devil also sees and knows who has left a place in his life. If a person does not repent from the heart, He is in a big prison in life which is hypocrisy.


Horror movies are also placed in hell and they are released through dreams. All of you who like to please the body by looking at those movies know that they put you in bonds.


Rock music singers, they were falling down, they were being tortured a lot and they were crying a lot saying, "I didn't understand! I didn't understand!!!"


These creatures are in hell and they don't have lips but they only have hanging teeth. They are evil creatures and they have nothing more than to deceive in false things and they are spirits.


The Lord taught me very easily until I asked him how easy it is. The Lord's lesson does not even take 20 minutes, he goes point by point. The Lord told me that ointments (perfume) were sold. What I saw was a woman walking in the street and she had used ointment (perfume) and when the man next to her smoked it, she was attracted with it, and even though he loved his wife, but there was a space between the two of them. Because of that smell, even if he forgives his wife, he will not love her like the beginning.

Small conflicts can be very big that lead to separation, all of them have come from the ointment (perfume) that was sold.

The Lord said yes because we must always wear all weapons.

We need to be careful and not leave room for devil in our lives. Small sins can lead to harm, although there is nothing small sin or big sin. The angel told me to repent immediately when I see that I have sinned. Don't wait for a day or a minute, you must repent at the same time.

The devil's great strategy is to tell you "later, later, later" in order to have more space in your life. You will not be weak if every time we sin we repent to the Lord, it is better than living in hypocrisy.



When we were coming out of hell, I just cried and held the hand of Jesus, and he said to me, "There is a place I want to take you to".  It was like blue colors. The cherub was tall but not like Lord JESUS. They hugged each other. Lord JESUS said to me, "This is the place where you will be playing." And I told the Lord that we are old now we don't play anymore. Lord JESUS said, "Yes you will dance because you are children of GOD and children love to dance."


The angels took off my clothes, and I started crying and said, "Oh, no! No because I won't see you again if you do that" And he said, "Let me do this because you will tell others and please understand this that they believe there is heaven and have hope in me. ONLY THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH they believed and there is no church, no society, nothing nothing else will save you except THAT NAME."

When I came back I was in pain and I asked the Lord JESUS to heal me and he immediately healed me.

Eudoxia: The angel told me not to sin, but he added and told me that if I sin, then immediately repent, so that there will be no chance in my life for the devil to destroy my life. He told me then and there to pray for the blood of JESUS to cleanse me.


In the council of hell there are dark contracts and it emits black smoke. Those are souls who sold themselves to the devil to get fame and money. I was thinking a lot about how they can pray. The Lord showed me how it happens, they ask for things in prayer but they do not use the name of the Lord JESUS.

There are satanic temples that do not pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST, So it has now been revealed which are bad prayers and which are good prayers. There are famous people and even some doctors from Hungary are in this act, they have sold their souls to the devil.


There is something that the Lord has taught me that the shepherd gives his life for the sheep that is known, but we have to give our lives for others. Lord Jesus said we should reduce the burdens from the pastors especially the pastors and elders of the church, especially the pastors. Because he needs to have time of staying with the Lord, because if they don't spend enough time with the Lord, the anointing will be for a short time. We need to refill the oil.

Beloved, we need to love each other and center the pastor spiritually and as partners we need to surround him and lift him up spiritually so that he receives the Word from the Lord, We need to do that because the Word of GOD is a treasure.


The Lord said to me, "THE WORD is like a precious bead made of anchors, which are the verses of the Word of GOD, which anchors cannot be removed. If one anchor is removed, then all the anchors will fall. Other churches are standing on that side—Lutheran (about baptism), Catholic (worshiping gods)...(I don't remember other churches)"  They are standing in the lukewarm, and that is not stable. And they cannot remain on the rock. All the truth as it is the Word. One line connects another and we have to accept that.


Christians need to spend a lot of time together to show each other love. Lord Jesus told me that mothers should be supplicants and more than that. Let them speak. Lord Jesus said he needs people who are ashamed, who sit behind the church who are going through problems, widows, orphans and those who cry every day but have not received comfort them so we don't forget them. We need to help them and encourage them.



Greeting to all saints. God reveal in order to redeem, please let us repent before is too late.

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